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  1. Andy Sheppard

    Standard M Charizard (Coin Flip)

    I've been running a deck like this for the past year. Won 2 league challenges and cut a League Cup. I haven't taken it to any regionals because I play VGC first-priority, however. With decent luck, M Charizard X can attack on turn 2. Here's how my deck is different: I use the EVO/XY-121...
  2. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Volcanion (and other Fire) decks in Expanded (Post-ban)

    The announcement that Hex Maniac will be banned from Expanded after 17 August seems to have given Volcanion-EX and Archie's Blastoise some much-needed relief. How much play, if any, can Volcanion expect to see in Expanded after the ban takes effect? I'm also asking about other fire decks like...
  3. Andy Sheppard

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    I've had a playable Mega Charizard deck ever since Burning Shadows came out. It is quite capable of attacking on Turn 2 and has gotten me two League Challenge wins and a League Cup top cut. I haven't used it at any regionals, however, because I am primarily a VGC player. Burning Shadow MegaZard
  4. Andy Sheppard

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    Oh, I'd love to have some love for the Fire type!
  5. Andy Sheppard

    Fun The Theme Deck Faking Thread

    I'll join in as well. I made mine out of XY Evolutions, based off of Charizard and Dewgong. Bring the heat with Charizard! Burn down your foe with this powerful Pokemon, or douse it with Dewgong! Add the blistering heat of Ninetales, and you're on your way to victory!
  6. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Turbo Volcanion or Ho-Oh/Salazzle?

    I'm a fire-type specialist who has been playing for the past two years. I currently have a Turbo Volcanion and a Mega Charizard deck built (yes, my Charizard deck actually works really well). I'm debating converting my Turbo Volcanion deck into a Ho-Oh/Salazzle deck. Doing so would allow me to...
  7. Andy Sheppard

    Standard Mega Charizard (Post-Rotation)

    Update: This deck has been pretty working well for me; I've taken 2nd in a couple of league challenges and 3rd in a Cup with it. I don't play much TCG because I focus on VGC, but when I do play in a TCG tournament, it usually kicks ass.
  8. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Neglected Pokémon in the TCG

    They wouldn't have to deal with him ever again; there's a legal concept called res judicata that prevents continued litigation on a dispute that has already been judged.
  9. Andy Sheppard

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Cynthia is only available as a holo rare? RIP wallet.
  10. Andy Sheppard

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    But that burn more than makes up for it. You're effectively doing 110 damage (possibly 170) from a 2-energy attack.
  11. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Neglected Pokémon in the TCG

    I'll tell you what. TPC should throw down the gauntlet and print a Kadabra. Doing so would be a direct challenge to Uri Geller, and would force a showdown. The fact that he has stood by while the VGs continue to include Kadabra would be a sign of Acquiescence.
  12. Andy Sheppard

    Standard Mega Charizard (Post-Rotation)

    I want to run 3 GEN mega charizards, but I only have 2. The Evolutions one is also an emergency nuke. Same goes for Lele - I can't run what I don't have.
  13. Andy Sheppard

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    I hope they finally get around to Alolan Marowak!
  14. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Okay, Tapu Lele-GX's Price is Outrageous

    VGC is always an option. No such thing as a bad start in a battle (you pick who you send out first), bad type matchups can be mitigated (via coverage moves), and making a team doesn't ever cost more than the price of a 3DS/2DS and the current game. In fact, it's possible to have a 3DS and game...
  15. Andy Sheppard

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    In the real thing, there are a lot of attacks that lower your own stats after use. Close Combat lowers your Defence and Special Defence by one stage each.
  16. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Okay, Tapu Lele-GX's Price is Outrageous

    The Pokemon Company doesn't reap the benefits of individual cards in the third-party market either. Therefore, it would be in the company's interest to release a promo to undercut that third-party market and shift those benefits their way.
  17. Andy Sheppard

    Discussion Okay, Tapu Lele-GX's Price is Outrageous

    Even more interesting is that the devs haven't even considered doing a promo tin for Lele. They'd be printing more money that way than they would from packs alone.
  18. Andy Sheppard

    Standard Mega Charizard (Post-Rotation)

    Pokemon Fan Club isn't a good idea for turn 1 because that's when I'm supposed to use Kiawe.
  19. Andy Sheppard

    Standard Mega Charizard (Post-Rotation)

    Sounds like a good idea. I'm sort of limited to 2 GEN Mega Charizards right now (can't run what I don't have), but I hope to get more.
  20. Andy Sheppard

    Standard Mega Charizard (Post-Rotation)

    Anyone else have any suggestions for this deck?