Search results

  1. R

    Go-oh (Gallade/Ho-ohEX)

    So, I am testing various decks for states and this is one in the early stages that I believe can prove as a great threat (5-3 in testing so far). 4 Ralts (PS) 1 Kirlia (PS) 4 Gallade (PS) 3 Ho-ohEX (DRE) 4 Durant (PS --- Call of Backup) 16... 4 Double Colorless 4 Plasma 1 Psychic 1 Fire 1...
  2. R

    Southern California Regionals (19-20 Jan 2013)

    ^ You ATTEMPTED to hang them up :P
  3. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: New Wants! I'll just wait until Magnezone goes down in price then. lol
  4. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: New Wants! I have 4 Sigilyph, and unfortunately my prerelease hasn't occurred yet. ><"
  5. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: New Wants! 2 Sableye, 4 DEX Klink and 4 N.
  6. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: New Wants! Unfortunately she said no. I am sorry. =/
  7. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! Number: FA Keldeo Daniel: No thanks, I will pass. Diet: I don't see much. R3sky: I might have 1 (depending if my sister says it's allowed to be for trade).
  8. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! Machamp: I actually just got one at league. Diet: I have all of that. I am not really in need to the TornadusEX right now, however, I will check your list after I get back home later. :) Daniel: I do.
  9. R

    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 3 - Lord ZED Japan <3's Rocky Helmet. (I am pretty sure that's why they made it Shiny in the first place)
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    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 3 - Lord ZED I am finding them in the deepest, darkest, parts of the internet. ;)
  11. R

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! I do have Dragon Vault Rayquaza and Ability Victini.. along with Ho-ohEX.
  12. R

    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 3 - Lord ZED Updated with Volume 3!
  13. R

    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 2 - Hand Denial Nope, they just went for the all Ether based route instead of including DCE. I was legit shocked too.
  14. R

    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 2 - Hand Denial Next up will be an interesting take on Eels (after I get done with some work today).
  15. R

    Keeper of Night, Sweet O:

    Keeper of Night, Sweet O:
  16. R

    Southern California Regionals (19-20 Jan 2013)

    My highlights/lol moments from judging: ~I thought this one kid was having a seizure, but he was just happy/did a good move during his game ~Seeing WPM at least 6 times, but knowing for a FACT he doesn't know who I am. ~50+ people asking me what the special token was supposed to be used for...
  17. R

    Bo$$'s Crap

    RE: Need Promos! 10 Each
  18. R

    Keeper of Night, Yes, yes I am.

    Keeper of Night, Yes, yes I am.
  19. R

    Japanese decklists - Vol. 4 - Oppa Klinklang Style

    RE: Japanese decklists - Vol. 2 - Hand Denial The point of this deck is to leave your opponent with no hand, and then you can control what they draw via Watchog.
  20. R

    Danielthebrave awesome trade thread! Got Plasma Storm, Heatran Ex/Ex FA, Latios Ex FA, and more!

    RE: lf exes and stuff like that CML for FA ZekromEX, FA LandorusEX, Shiny Terrakion, and Computer Search.