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  1. R

    Rummage's 2012-2013 Season (Tournament Report on Post #2)

    RE: Rummage's 2012-2013 Season I wanted to play Blastoise/KeldeoEX, however, the borrowing of Tropical Beach fell through and I had no deck. After some late night chatting I decided to use DarkraiEX/MewtwoEX with Sigilyph and Meloetta. I wake up this morning, make the deck, and off we go! This...
  2. R

    Rummage's 2012-2013 Season (Tournament Report on Post #2)

    Oh hey! I thought I would make one of these. lol. BR #1 - MewtwoEX/Eels R1 - Eels/Ray - W R2 - Empoleon - W R3 - Empoleon - W R4 - Eels/Ray - W R5 - Chandelure/Darkrai - W 1st Place - 15 CP BR #2 - Aerodactyl/Stunfisk/TornadusEX R1 - Terrakion/Mewtwo/Bouffalant - W R2 -...
  3. R

    Empoleon (DEX # 29) {12/12/12}

    The Ability is certainly one of a king for this format, which is a plus. The HP is pretty good, and if you slap on a Giant Cape, it's even better. The attack for a single (water) energy is great because you can simply Max Potion and be attacking that same time. The partners (Roserade [DRE]...
  4. R

    Keldeo-EX/Blastoise - Discussion Thread

    I personally run 2 Tropical Beach and 1 Pokemon Center. I just didn't mention Pokemon Center because a majority of players do not have access towards it. Not to mention a Heal on your Blastoise can negate the next turn KO by DarkraiEX via Dark Claw. On Munna, I don't know how much of a risk it...
  5. R

    Keldeo-EX/Blastoise - Discussion Thread

    A 1/1 Musharna works wonders in this. You never have to worry about it getting stuck due to Pokemon Catcher, and it's Basic (as stated earlier) can provide an annoying early stall. Pokemon Center is also great. You just Rush In, heal, and then Rush In again. Great article though.
  6. R

    PokéBeach Community Decklist #10: Darkrai/Landorus EX

    -2 Terrakion +1 KeldeoEX LandorusEX can handle DarkraiEX on it's own with virtually no problems, and KeldeoEX is great for getting a DarkraiEX to your bench to use Dark Patch, along with the fact it can be a great surprise attacker against LandorusEX.
  7. R


    RE: Darkrai/Mewtwo Looks pretty good. I feel like the Umbreon line is out of place though. I would drop that (-4) for 2 Ditto (those are great to have on your bench instead of the Zorua, which just get OHKO'd by LandorusEX with a Pokemon Catche) and possibly 1 or 2 fighting. The reasoning...
  8. R

    Clay, Why yes, yes I am. o.o

    Clay, Why yes, yes I am. o.o
  9. R

    PokéBeach Staff Hiring Week!

    I was told I was chosen for an interview.... but it never happened .-.
  10. R

    Build A Better Format #1

    Pansage - Grass - 70 HP Ability: Trio Cohesion Once during your turn (before you attack), if Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour are on your bench, you may shuffle each of them back into your deck and draw 3 cards. You may only use 1 Trio Cohesion ability per turn. ( c ) Call to Arms Search your deck...
  11. R

    1st place BR Report. (Video Uploaded)

    RE: 1st place BR Report. The Finals: Game 1 Game 2 Game 3
  12. R

    1st place BR Report. (Video Uploaded)

    So, I returned from my vacation this week after missing the first two Battle Roads... we usually only get two, but, for some reason we were given a 3rd.. I was happy since that meant I was going to be able to play. I have really like GroudonEX since I first saw it... and figured why not play it...
  13. R

    The "Epic moments in a battle" thread!

    Back in the days of Dragonte/Electrode when I was in Round 6 of swiss (5-0) and I was playing mirror and needed a bench spot to win the game... then I realized that I could KO my own Dunsparce with Rainbow energy... I attached it and KO'd my Dunsparce... dropped my Zangoose and did OHKO on...
  14. R


    I think Hippowdon can serve a great purpose, since it is fighting... and lightning is a popular type. I kinda ran out of PONT so I added in that Bianca. I think Copycat is more of a preference card, however, I will try dropping a couple for 2 more Juniper (since Copycat is unpredictable and can...
  15. R


    Looking for some input on this deck Pokemon: 4 Hippopotas [ND] 4 Hippowdon [ND] 3 Tornadus [EP] 2 MewtwoEX [ND] 1 Shaymin [UL] 14... 10 Fighting 4 Double Colorless 14... 4 Copycat 3 Junk Arm 3 PokeGear 3.0 3 Pokemon Catcher 3 Pokemon Communication 3 Pokemon Collector 2...
  16. R

    5th with Mew/Absol/Donphan.. I won a game with Beheeyem :P

    [Updated with my 2nd City Championship]
  17. R

    5th with Mew/Absol/Donphan.. I won a game with Beheeyem :P

    RE: 2nd with DMV [Donphan/Mew/Vespiquen] Thanks you two :) Yeah.. Combee needed to get some love sometime!
  18. R

    5th with Mew/Absol/Donphan.. I won a game with Beheeyem :P

    Off to Arizona today.. Mew/Absol/Donphan -- Why? Why Not? ;) We get there early.. chill. I play some games with Audino. Oh.. here was my list: 4 Absol (Prime) 3 Phanpy [HGSS] 3 Donphan (Prime) 3 Mew (Prime) 1 Tyrogue [HGSS] 1 Beheeyem [NV] 1 Mandibuzz [BW] 1 Crobat (Prime) --- Didn't...
  19. R

    4th Place with Mew/Tornadus

    ^What the Mirman Proxy said.
  20. R

    4th Place with Mew/Tornadus

    updated with 2nd Battle Road.