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  1. R

    Las Vegas Cities anyone?

    Anyone have an Unown Q :o
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    The Sacred Badge Makers Shop : Custom Orders Available! : UPDATE: New Arrivals as of 8-13-11 and New

    RE: InfinityFangX's Pokemon Emporium - COMPLETE UPDATE - All Rares 1$ Unless Stated! Are PokeBlower+ $1 each? Need: 2 Abomasnow SF 1 Metagross SV 3 Snover SF
  3. R

    Las Vegas Cities anyone?

    Woah.. Vegas cities is going to have people at it... o.o'
  4. R

    Teching against Umbreon UD

    Relicanth SV's 2nd attack.
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    PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 28 (Top16 UK Nats!)

    RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 7 (Gyarados!) You can't get Gyarados Back if Gengar Prime KO's it with its second attack.. since you can only get the Pokemon back if you are knocked out by damage.
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    PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 28 (Top16 UK Nats!)

    RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 3 (Battle Roads) It's not an archetype and not Rogue. People test against it when they test decks.
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    The Seven Strategies of Pokemon (Article)

    RE: The Six Strategies of Pokemon (Article) I stopped reading after I read spread.. You dissed spread, why include it? There are counters that Spread can run to counter what you listed. Examples include Dialga G Lv. X to shut down Nidoqueen RI and Ampharos PT to shut down Bellossom UD and...
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    Master BR DialgaChomp

    You play Skuntank G.. but do not play any stadiums. :O
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    Dialgachomp BR/Citys/LCQ Seinors

    You don't play any stadiums yet play Skuntank G. o.O
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    Whats a Good Donphan counter?

    Dewgong SV. 160 for 2.
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    Poke News - It needs YOUR help!

    I'm aware of the standard that's been set.
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    Poke News - It needs YOUR help!

    [bump because I updated it]
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    Poke News - It needs YOUR help!

    Episode 1 of Poke News is coming!! We have a viewer Q & A Session each episode. Topics for Episode 1 will include: ~ Masters 1st place deck discussion ~ Review of HGSS: Undaunted ~ Tech of the week: [Viewer chosen] If you wish to talk about any of the topics, especially tech of the week...
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW! Question: Table #6:Winner=Paris1010 Loser=Muffins sup with that?
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW! I didn't know it was Bo3 either lol, so I will be happy to play out the other games.
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW! Quickly, I just want to apologize to Paris for my attitude yesterday, it was uncalled for and very rude of me. I am sorry.
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW! I didn't notice 2 of 3, however, I do not see it as a problem, since we did finish 1 complete game, and have until Wednesday to finish the other 2. Also, you disconnected after the first game was over.
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW! I won in a game that my opponent called "Rigged" when they had T1 Judge with Warp Point to get their Ralts out AND an Uxie.. then both Kirlia and their 1 Claydol are prized.. and theyd dont play azelf.. so it was my fault. <3
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    Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

    RE: RS Tournament PRIZE SUPPORT Sign up NOW! HSN: Muffins Deck: MS Paint
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    Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - Spain Are The Champions!

    RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance! I think it's funny how ESPN.. when showing commercials for the matches.. says "Ghana, the team who eliminated the US" like it was something special. XD