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  1. L

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread well what would you consider flawless? i can have them checked out.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    i'll trade you a xerneas for any of your legendaries. i have two extra so i'm trying to get rid of them.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread I'm currently looking to trade 2 of the 3 Xerneas i any legendaries you'd be willing to trade for them? they are both level 100. but i also have another one at level 53. oh and i have 2 mewtwos. one's level 70 and the other is level 71. let me know. i'm...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! well i got darkrai now instead of celebi.can we still do tradebacks?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! i have a celebi now. could we do the tradebacks for the others and then let me keep the deoxys?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! be honest for the dex.but i eventually want to end up with a deoxys. you see all i need for my dex is victini meloetta darkrai manaphy shaymin deoxys and arceus. but as i said i want to end up with a deoxys i can keep.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! great! would you please be willing to trade me it/one for my level 100 landorus? if that doesn't fancy you then i also have a level 100 lugia, zekrom, kyurem, and xerneas for offer. i really want a victini but i dont have any other...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Shiny`s, Legends, PokeBank Pokemons! do you have victini?
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    Wi-Fi Trades legend-tamers trade thread-updated with new requests

    RE: legend-tamers trade thread-HAVE KELDEO!! I can trade you both a castform. For s and e i'll except your slackoth. For akwila ill have to check it another time since i'm useing mobile web.
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    Wi-Fi Trades legend-tamers trade thread-updated with new requests

    Friend Code: 2895-7577-5251 Time Zone: Times Available:tbd Haves: -Porygon -Castform All starters Elgyem Darumaka(hidden ability!!!) Services Offered: Wants: -raticate -Koffing porygon2/-Z claydol persian stantler slaking kricketune cherrim lopunny purugly jellicent...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Breeding: Feebas, Rattata, Buneary, Frillish, Meowth, Bouffalant, Koffing, Porygon. Have: Legends, Shiny`s. (Coming soon: Other Shiny`s and Legends) Current need: Shiny Trevenant lvl 100 landorus in therian form for your lvl 100 arceus? or i can do my lvl 100 zekrom...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: Feebas, Starters, Shiny`s, Happy Hour Smeargle,Other Gen Legends. (Coming soon: Other Shiny`s) im almost afraid to ask what you want for the arceus. :[ i dont have any pre gen games so i only have the pokemon obtainable in x and y. do you have kyurem and zekrom? also i...
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    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: arulz's MyPlayer Thread - H: Battle Mansion Items!! Perfect Scyther and many Shinies - W: A lot Shiny aipom for shiny honedge?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Lighty's Lab: Rare pokemon and Egg moves

    Id be interested in your zapdos. Anything in particular youd like for it?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    Heracrossite? I want to keep my charizardite x. [hr] Maybe even my absolite?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    shiny golurk for shiny charizard? you can keep the mega stone if you i want i allready have both.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread same.i literally have over 100 regular honedge.
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    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: arulz's MyPlayer Thread - Haves: Battle Mansion Items!! Perfect Scyther and many Shinies - Wants: A lot shiny delibird or shiny golurk for shiny honedge?