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    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread Blazikenite for charizardite x?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too! shiny poliwrath for shiny honedge?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for Mewtwonite Y, Aggronite etc.Have shinies and IVs! I'm interested in your shiny honedge. I'd be willing to trade you my houndoomite for it. check out my thread in my sig and see if I have any pokemon you want.
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets All right then. Best of luck. I'll try some things out as well when i get on my girls 3ds. Kinda sucks not having my own. :/
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Nothing at all with chatot? dang. I thought for sure that might work.
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Yes. Unfortunetly I dont think many people would part with their's so it might be a very hard theory to prove.
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Ooooh another thing I just thought of. so you know how you can apparently get multiple of the tiki right? Well the guy says hes not from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, or Unova. Well what if someone got 4 tiki's from people in Japan, one from America, and another...
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets I hope youve talked to the hiker at least 3 times cause you gotta talk to him 4 days total in different hotels. Sometimes he ends up being in the same one and also he sometimes looks like different hikers. I remember the first time i met him he was the skinny guy...
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets i've been watching alot of videos recently on these mysteries and it got me thinking. when your in juan plaza(or however its spelled) theres the one woman talking about the lava dome pokemon being there. but if you look carefully the other woman says you cant...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Need help evolving pokemon

    RE: Patob215's MyPlayer Thread - Help evolve my Phantump! no prob. still haven't answered my question.shiny honedge?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Need help evolving pokemon

    RE: Help evolve my Phantump! ya sure thing [hr] would you happen to have a shiny honedge or be able to get one?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Need help evolving pokemon

    RE: Help evolve my Phantump! well it wasn't really necessary seeing as how I already had one and I can just catch them but ya no prob.if you need any other pokemon that need to be traded to evolve just let me know.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Need help evolving pokemon

    RE: Help evolve my Phantump! I'd be willing to help you.i have a swilix/slurpuff that I need to evolve.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too! well I have a shiny sharpedo. but I'd be willing to trade my zygarde for it if your ok with that.
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    momoxmomo, grumping,espurr, and I believe sygalyph. its all psychic .

    momoxmomo, grumping,espurr, and I believe sygalyph. its all psychic .
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Shiny Espurr, Dragalge, Pyroar and More! Y Exclusives too! check out my trade thread in my sig and see if anything interests you. I really really want that shiny honedge if you still have it.i didn't put much detail into the list but if there is anything you want...
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    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: HAVES: PERFECT SCYTHER and tons of SHINIES!!!! WANTS: lots of stuff :) I'd like the shiny gabite.just tell me what youd like or what you think would be worth it. and ill see if I have it.
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    Wi-Fi Trades SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread - 5IV Breeding + Now Offering Masuda Breeding!

    RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread id like to add friend code is 2895-7577-5251 my friend safari is psychic.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! could you get a shiny noibat or shiny clauncher? if you did I could trade you a shiny sharpedo for one of them.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! Y Exclusives! LF: Shiny Protean Froakie!

    RE: Spartan's Super Shiny Shop! I'd really like your shiny honedge and espurr.but I don't have any other shinies.