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  1. Hunga

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Yeah, and just think about the sweet, sweet wonderland image when you can evolve two Porygon at once! :D When you hit this point, you may cry... In joy as the one playing and in disbelief when beeing the opponent. Porygon Z was always ment to be a tech, not a play-around-card or...
  2. Hunga

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    I think Porygon Z has potential. Okay, you can't drop Porygom and then use a rare candy for an instant Porygon Z anymore, like back in the days (I feel old). BUT there are enough supporters that shuffles hands back into the deck. And keep in mind, Pokémon GX are evolutions too (some of them), so...
  3. Hunga

    News Pokémon Changing How Reprints Are Printed, Likely No 'Best of XY' Set

    Wow! That is maybe the most clever thing the ptcg has done in years! I tip my hat and am really happy. Maybe I'll play on tournaments again after knowing there won't be another 2 years of N! :D
  4. Hunga

    News New 'Battle Arena Deck: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem' in June!

    Sorry, but what the heck? Why now? Isn't it a bit late? I was hoping for something like at least Gen 6 not something from way back...
  5. Hunga

    News Strengthening Expansion Pack, Best of XY Pack, and Ash VS Team Rocket Deck!

    And again thanks to Pokémon EX again any stage 2 is useless.... :( I do like that they try to revert the power creep but then mess it up thanks to the reprint sets they kinda did since some rotations.... What a joke... /end rant
  6. Hunga

    News 'Sun & Moon Collector's Chest Tin' Product Image!

    Maybe it's because I getting old and a bit grumpy towards the tcg, but this looks really just beeing made for the younger ones as something to get as an easter gift.
  7. Hunga

    News First 'The Best of XY' News, Reprinted Cards

    This would be the only card I'd like to stay, since I'd love to play the grass trevenant poltergeist deck. ;) @xaej806: I remeber the format pre BW, oh the good-old-days, where there was no supreme supporter, stage 2 pokemon where viable and you had a much harder, but better rotation. You speak...
  8. Hunga

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    I pray for some really nice looking birds as gx cards! :D Just they don't keep on reprinting mewtwo. It just feels so forced on us players....
  9. Hunga

    News First 'The Best of XY' News, Reprinted Cards

    I think it will come, sadly, just remember how long Darkrai EX and some other cards where or still are in a format. 3 years of certain decks/strategies is just plain dumb and ruining the fun on a big scale. I really hope for some hard cuts this rotation and that pokemon ex will be gone at all...
  10. Hunga

    News First 'The Best of XY' News, Reprinted Cards

    One of the reasons why I kinda stopped playing the game wasn't just the lack of a player base here in my region of germany, no, it was because I was annoyed by the lack of diversity. Some decks just won't stop seeing play, since cards get reprinted over and over! Also I think the amount of sets...
  11. Hunga

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    I really like the alolan raticate! Searching for up to 5 cards is really strong! But on a stage 1 and with cc cost kinda meh... For me the best card is Drampa GX at the moment. Followed by the sensu style bird. I'm really looking forward to a EX free meta and without megas. GX seems balanced...
  12. Hunga

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    The first attack is really, really solid! The cost is splashable and you can use it really quick! Might be able to kickstart an own deck?
  13. Hunga

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    200 damage? With an upside? o.O Okay, that will see some abuse! I guess he isn't fightning to prevent something like Maxie's to get it into play easier without mega evolution. And how rediculious would it be with strong energy...
  14. Hunga

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Okay, with this your Pokémon EX deal even MORE damage! o.O Really strong ability! It's a free muscle band and you can still equip anything else. Luckily it's a stage 2, so you will think twice if you gonna add it or not.
  15. Hunga

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I think this card will make some decent impact. It got a good starting attack, which can support it well. Thanks to the new electric energy, you got no problem with weaknesses either. The mega is okay too! Paralysis is maybe the strongest condition in the game (besides poison). 30 damage is...
  16. Hunga

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    Maybe they'll add a lost zone reminder next time, where you put Lysandre's Trump after use? Would have made a better sense, but what ever... :)
  17. Hunga

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    The ability is diffrent! Hooper searches 3 cards and only EX and on the other hand Dragonite searches for 2 basics and puts them directly on the bench and if your bench is full, he can't search! Ofc a cardgame is repeating something or taking inspiration by old, fanfavorit cards! Just look at...
  18. Hunga

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Kinda expected this to be true, would have been weird! ;)
  19. Hunga

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    The problem with stage 2 Pokémon is, they're way too slow, when compared to EX. EX are slabbed on the board and already dominant, with high HP and powerful attacks, you don't need to get the basic, stage 1 or rare candy and stage 2. :/ You need way more space/slots in your deck, which in a deck...