Search results

  1. scuba steveE

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

    The supposed new Mega Mewtwo and Mega Garchomp in the bottom right corner.
  2. scuba steveE

    (1) X/Y Pokemon Direct [9/4]

    I'm just wondering, do you really think that an app that lets you just transfer Pokemon would be free or should be free? It takes time and resources to develop something like that and I would be very, VERY surprised if it was free. What I'm getting at is it would of cost money no matter how they...
  3. scuba steveE

    (1) X/Y Pokemon Direct [9/4]

    $5 a year to be able to transfer your Pokemon from your older games without having to use a second DS and cloud base storing system? Heck, I would of paid more.
  4. scuba steveE

    (1) Nintendo 2DS Announced [8/28]

    The only name I can think of that could of worked is -3DS, but it's not any better. I don't really hate the name, though. This is pretty ideal for my nephews who have broke my DSlite, my DSi, their DSlites, their DSis, and their 3DSs.(I didn't let them anywhere near my 3DS) They are not good...
  5. scuba steveE

    (1) Pokemon Announces 2013-14 Season Changes: Entry Fees, More Prize Support, and More! [8/22]

    Well, at least we're not being charged a fee on the VG side. :D Though, I personally don't see it as a big deal, but that maybe due to me playing Magic for a couple of years and it's around $40 USD now. It probably won't be that much, I'm thinking maybe $20 or less.
  6. scuba steveE

    Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

    Lets see, in order: Gold: Voltorb Sapphire: Marill LeafGreen: Voltorb Platinum: Absol, Bidoof, Spheal(hatched), Giratina(soft-reset) Black 2: Mudkip(hatched) Yeah I caught two different shiny voltorbs and I had no ideal that they were shiny. Including the marill, My reactions were pretty much...
  7. scuba steveE

    (1) Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie Boxes + Blister Pack with Pins [8/19]

    That Froakie pin... I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Reggie, but I also like the 5ban.
  8. scuba steveE

    (2) Worlds 2014 in Washington D.C., Mega Pokemon Trailer

    Wait, Worlds is being held at a place that is a moderate distance from where I live and won't cost me an arm and leg to go? I still probably won't be able to go, though. >_>
  9. scuba steveE

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

    Well, when ever I see someone's top whatever list, it always seems like Ampharos is on it and everyone was going all gaga when it revealed to be in the B2W2 Dex, but whatever[/code]. I actually don't like it, but I do like it's Mega Evolution, girl knows how to work it.
  10. scuba steveE

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

    Well, Mewtwo, Lucario, Blaziken, Absol, and Ampharos are really popular among the fanbase, so I think that's why they picked those . I think they included Mawile because it's now a fairy type and they been all about the fairy type. I didn't really like Mega Blaziken and Mega Lucario at first...
  11. scuba steveE

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

    This was a pretty big scoop. lol Well, I've been wanting an Absol evolution for longest time and honestly, I will take any way to make Absol better. It looks like it grew wings, so does it stay pure Dark type? It also looks like a angel, which I really like. With Mega evolutions as a whole...
  12. scuba steveE

    (1) Japanese eShop Showcases Orotto Trailer from Genesect Film [7/30]

    This is the frame right before Clauncher's attack, to me that looks underwater.
  13. scuba steveE

    (1) Japanese eShop Showcases Orotto Trailer from Genesect Film [7/30]

    That battle between Flabebe and Clauncher really does look like it's underwater and if you pay very close attention to the move Mewtwo is using, what looks like a DNA helix forms over it's head.
  14. scuba steveE

    XY Revised Type Chart

    Well if they were going to revamp it, might as well do it now since they're pretty much revamping it anyway with the new type. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did since they changed other types when they added Dark and Steel.
  15. scuba steveE

    (1) Gamefreak Teases a Game Collaboration [7/18]

    Maybe it's the long awaited Pokemon x Call of Duty game that everyone wants.:rolleyes:
  16. scuba steveE

    (1) PokeBeach Turns 10! [7/15]

    Happy Birthday Pokebeach! I've never been super active here, but I do enjoy coming here and talking with people who love the same franchise that I love. Also, I really want Subway now...
  17. scuba steveE

    (1) New Tree-like Pokemon Before Genesect Film [7/13]

    When I saw the first drawing of tree, it reminded me of this:
  18. scuba steveE

    (2) 'EX Battle Boost' leaks, ‘CoroCoro’ unleashes a torrent of new information [7/10]

    :rolleyes: "They simply want to get rich and solely are out to make money." That's all we know about them. When Team Plasma was revealed, all we knew about them was "They want to liberate Pokemon", but then we found out the story was much deeper than that. So what I'm trying to say is don't...
  19. scuba steveE

    (1) New Sword-like Pokemon, Hitotsuki [7/4]

    I personally think if they made it more monster-like it would turned out more cartoony, which isn't bad (ex. rotom formes), but I don't think it would make it better. I'm actually really happy they took a realistic approach with it and that it looks like a plain sword. In fact, I think it's more...
  20. scuba steveE

    XY New Video Message from Junichi Masuda coming July 4th!!!

    I know a lot of people were wanting a steel/ghost pokemon based on a suit of armor, so...