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  1. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    OK but while people are complaining about no steel type i'm just considering how fun it will be to mix him with Strong Energy.
  2. Kyrushi

    News New (But Unknown) Pikachu and Mimikyu Promos!

    I love the look of the holo on that Mimikyu! I run them as one-offs in several psychic decks so i'll probably buy a set of them.
  3. Kyrushi

    Discussion Okay, Tapu Lele-GX's Price is Outrageous

    I really hate chase cards like lele. Makes it harder to get into the game. I was fortunate enough to pull 2, so as much as I hate doing it, I unsleeve them and move them between decks that need it.
  4. Kyrushi

    News 'Ultra Beast GX Premium Collections,' Pheromosa, Celesteela, Xurkitree-GX!

    Man, this better not be the only way to get these cards because that's disgusting to take out 4 GXs from the set and then separate 2 each into 40 dollar boxes.
  5. Kyrushi

    it's risky since you give the opponent a prize card, but Electrode gets Koko set up incredibly...

    it's risky since you give the opponent a prize card, but Electrode gets Koko set up incredibly fast. Works well with Acerola so you can place a new Koko, switch it in with the energies, and put the old Koko back into your hand. I used to play ace trainer with it over N, but now Counter Catcher...
  6. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Im going to LOVE this in my Koko deck!! I run Electrode in it to accellerate my energy and used to run Ace Trainer when it was standard. Now instead I can force the opponent to take a prize so I can abuse Counter Catcher! This way I can force a switch and then have my supporter slot open for...
  7. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Almost all of those are countered or at least pressured by Garbodor variants since abilities are shut down and using items is risky. Espeon GX, Toxapex GX, and other psychics can play with Garbodor easily while applying status, which really limits what you can do to stop it. It's also worth...
  8. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    I am not going to call this an amazing card -- it's not at ALL going to be meta. Status is still not that easy to integrate into a deck and it's situational, as I already mentioned prior. It just really seems harsh to outright call the card useless. It's not like we're talking about something...
  9. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    I wouldn't say that. It makes inflicting status a lot more useful because it shuts down one of the ways they can cure it. I could see this being fun with Alola Dugtrio to increase their retreat cost and Field Blower to shove away any float stones that are hanging around. Muk GX is going to...
  10. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Comfey or Float Stone are both options that should help out a lot.
  11. Kyrushi

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Low-key I really want a more balanced BREAK type card for alternate forms and Megas.
  12. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Goes well with Gumshoos So you can time exactly when you want to use this among other disruption cards. I know everyone hates using Gumshoos, but i've found him very useful in expanded with the original Red Card, Delinquent, team skull grunt, etc. and it's made my plays less of a guessing game...
  13. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Tauros, unlike Drama, WANTS damage on it though. That's the point. And Eelektross does an extra 80 damage in exchange for slamming 80 onto your bench. You're giving both Tauros AND Aggron fuel this way.
  14. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Play this with Tauros GX and SM3 Elektross and this should be funnnnn~
  15. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Do you REALLY want people setting up Vileplume, Venusaur, Lunrantis, or Araquanid on turn one? Forest of Giant Plants is stupid with Decidueye GX, but frankly it's more useful for non-GX anyways.
  16. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    That Mismagius is going to be disgusting with Garbodor or Noivern.
  17. Kyrushi

    News Regirock from SM4 Revealed!

    I love how the Regis work together! We need more card synergy like this in the future! Personally i'd love to see Mantine and Ramoraid interact somehow.
  18. Kyrushi

    Discussion What Different Pokemon Supporters, Items and Stadiums do You Want to See?

    If we're talking defensive Pokemon, I had an idea for something that would do just that. Mantine GX – Water – HP 200 Friend Guard: At any time during your opponent's attack, if this Pokemon is on your bench, you may switch this with your active Pokemon. [W][W][C] Rising Tide: 60 damage. Move...
  19. Kyrushi

    Standard Ho-oh - Salazzle GX deck (post rotation)

    I'd toss out Shaymin and the VS. Seekers that are rotating out for a set of Random Receivers. Tapu Lele GX is also something to consider so you can pull Kiawe turn one.
  20. Kyrushi

    Standard Gardevoir GX + Zygarde

    I definitely understand why it seems backwards to use her for support. But she does get use, don't worry. She just plays as a back-up attacker instead. I just like finding weird deck combos others wouldn't bother with. Do you feel Wicke could be a decent replacement for N in my deck given the...