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  1. Kyrushi

    Standard Gardevoir GX + Zygarde

    It's still in testing, but i've been wanting to make Zygarde from Burning Shadows playable since, aside from discarding 2 energies, it's a fairly competent card, and fighting fury belt makes it difficult to KO while only losing one prize card. If I have Gardevoir GX up, even better if I have...
  2. Kyrushi

    Discussion What Different Pokemon Supporters, Items and Stadiums do You Want to See?

    Sprout Energy puts the card into your hand, yes. Choking Ivy prevents you from taking cards out of it. So I suppose that should be further explained. Abilities that use the discard pile e.g. Marshadow GX would be fine, but Darkrai GX's ability would not because it would remove him from the...
  3. Kyrushi

    Discussion What Different Pokemon Supporters, Items and Stadiums do You Want to See?

    I had done some cards for fun a couple months back and I guess I could share some? Savage Energy – Special Energy This energy counts as any type of energy, but only provides one at a time. It can only be attached to Dragon pokemon. The attacks of the Pokemon this is attached to do 10 more...
  4. Kyrushi

    News 'Team Skull Pin Collection Box' in October!

    This is the first time I really want to keep the packaging for a card box. It looks so nice!
  5. Kyrushi

    News Lusamine from SM4 Revealed!

    I was sick of seeing Vs. Seeker so I for one am very happy with this. It's a lot more balanced because you can have an idea of what your opponent is trying to accomplish and can play your own cards accordingly. Sun/Moon's format is already a lot more fun and interesting to me than XY's ever was.
  6. Kyrushi

    News Kartana GX and Regice from SM4 Revealed!

    Kartana looks really fun to play with Shield Energy and Fighting Fury Belt! I'm looking forward to playing it! :)
  7. Kyrushi

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Could be fun for the Zygarde deck i'm doing for the heck of it. Hopefully we'll see Double Dragon or SOME sort of dragon support in the near future!
  8. Kyrushi

    News New Gigalith / Sharpedo One-Pack Blisters

    ... I.. I play sharpedo in my main deck.. :(
  9. Kyrushi

    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Considering the fact they're specifically called Ultra Beasts, we definitely should expect some items/stadiums that effect these cards specifically. Which considering how good Nihilego is that's pretty scary to think about.
  10. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Magnezone decks will LOVE that pouch wow!
  11. Kyrushi

    News Gengar From SM4 Revealed!

    I'm not forgetting this at all. We have popular decks using stage 2s right now like Decidueye, Vileplume, and Gardevoir, so obviously people still find them worth using. Not to mention there are ways to ensure getting a stage 2 out quickly such as Walley, Rare Candy, or the recently released...
  12. Kyrushi

    News Gengar From SM4 Revealed!

    I don't understand why exactly people think this is a bad card. I can see this being incredibly useful paired with cards that disrupt energy. You can force them to take an extra 20 damage on top of what you're already doing simply because you NEED the energy to fight. A great example would be...
  13. Kyrushi

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    My first Burning Shadows pack was a missprint and had 7 foils in it. Not that I mind, I like collecting a set of reverse holos.
  14. Kyrushi

    News Silvally-GX From SM4 Revealed!

    Holy crap a 120 damage energy accelleration? Thats absolutely insane.
  15. Kyrushi

    Discussion Made-up Pokémon Types

    Personally, since Sound has its own modifier in certain attacks, Aquatic is basically water, and fungus doesn't set itself apart from grass enough, I don't really see how these would exactly be viable to make as actual types in a game and frankly it would further clutter the number of types we...
  16. Kyrushi

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Pokemon with abilities that basically give you free switches like Solgaleo could make this a really fun card to use! Personally I wanna somehow use this with my silly Wailord stall deck. I've been wanting healing to be viable and it looks like they're trying to push it!
  17. Kyrushi

    News Charizard-GX Premium Collection Box in September!

    Thank god no more evolutions packs
  18. Kyrushi

    News Palossand-GX, Latias, Hydreigon, Regigigas, Hiker Promos!

    Pollosand's GX seems kind of fun, but I hate that you need so much energy to use it. You might as well just use Charizard's GX and discard 10 cards period.
  19. Kyrushi

    News 2018 Pokemon Championship Series Details Posted!

    I love expanded. There's a lot more variation and creativity you can do. But frankly, I like the new Standard without all the BS like VS seeker and Trainer's mail letting people go through half their deck in one turn.
  20. Kyrushi

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    Archeops was probably banned because of forest of giant plants letting people get fast kills combined with Espeon EX. It was a pretty low blow.