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  1. R

    Quick Competitive Play Questions

    RE: General NXD-On Question Is kangaskhan EX doomed with furious fists coming out soon? I really like him as a tank and the fact that he doesn't need certain energy for decent attacks. is shadow circle and rainbow energy a viable tech to be used around its weakness?
  2. R

    2014's Standard Format: Boundaries Crossed-on [7/22]

    I seriously just finished sealing a deal for selling my landorus for cheap then this news comes out >_< I kinda hope he gets nerfed though. Landorus with a strong energy makes me sick.
  3. R

    ORAS New (Mega) Pokémon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Your Hopes and Expectations

    Not sure if it's been said yet, but I've heard rumors of Mega Altaria, being a dragon/fairy type. It learns moonblast and can be taught dazzling gleam with the TM. I look forward to it because I love contrasting dual types.
  4. R

    XY Do You Care to Complete the Pokédex?

    I have never completed a pokedex, except maybe yellow back in the day. But I'm currently trying to go for a living dex from scratch minus legendaries. I don't have any previous games to do any transfers so this may take a while..
  5. R

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    Here is my miscut Darkrai I'll be trying to sell soon Spoiled due to size: Comparison (I kinda messed up shrinking the large scan)
  6. R

    (2) Pokemon TCG Gameboy Game for 3DS Virtual Console, Fancy Pattern Vivillon [7/7]

    Hear hear. I wonder how much they'll capitalize on vivillon having different forms. So far we have region specific, store event, and community accomplishments. What if they give the top ten or other number at VG competitions a special victory form or the like?
  7. R

    'Rising Fist' Scans and Translations! [6/11]

    Noivern and the old Dusknoir to shift the damage around would be fun. Also Slaking can stall every mega evolution and most EXs by turn two with a DCE and another energy. The problem is getting it set up before a fighting type can knock it out. EDIT: Plasma badge and Colress Machine with Plasma...
  8. R

    New Rising Fist Decks

    If I understand correctly, with multiple Aurorus on your bench the ability will combine for a maximum of 80 damage taken off from opponents attacks. Throw in a hard charm and you're at 100. The new supporter will get all your amaura out in two turns so that's handy.
  9. R

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    I have a Darkrai EX from Dark Explorers that's misprinted. The image is lowered so that you can see Darkrai's full plume and a bit of the above card (kyogre EX). Is it worth a little more? a little less? Thanks!
  10. R

    New Rising Fist Decks

    Could a lucario deck even face a mewtwo deck? If mewtwo has a dce and lucario has 3 energy for his attack , that's almost a KO. On another note the dragon types are all looking interesting. Despite being a stage 2, flygon could be helpful in energy acceleration and also healing.
  11. R

    New Rising Fist Decks

    RE: New Decks and Possibilities with the Release of Rising Fist I said it in the news thread, but I really like the art in this set, especially the full art supporters. I'm expecting something along the lines of a recovery stall deck featuring Jynx with Goodra, a possibility of healing 100 HP...
  12. R

    'Rising Fist' Scans and Translations! [6/11]

    The art is looking super fine in this set. I like the Jynx card using that with an active Goodra would get pretty annoying. I appreciate the two sides of the deck that counter each other, the fighting can really pack the punches while grass, along with other types supporting like jynx, is all...
  13. R

    Mega Sableye Officially Revealed! [6/11]

    Wasn't there a leaked ability where every other turn the Pokemon wouldn't take damage from attacks?
  14. R

    New 'Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire' Mega Evolutions, Details Revealed in 'CoroCoro' [6/7]

    I just traded my shiny swampert. SO MUCH REGRET
  15. R

    XY Organizing Boxes

    I have boxes of random pokemon that need to or have been trained for pokedex sake. I have a box dedicated to pokemon with good egg moves I come across. A box for dittos. One for having my trained usable pokemon. A box for 'mon to wonder trade (breedables), one for shinies (a whopping 26 open...
  16. R

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon VG General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! Does any one else name pokemon to help communicate during passerby trades? Names like "Shinies?" or yes/no thanks. I wanted to start doing that, what are the typical names needed for ease of communicating?
  17. R

    U.S. Nationals to Stream on Twitch, Mamoswine Distribution [6/5]

    Wish I could get my hands on one of those mamoswines >_< It's really great they're giving out travel stipends. I'm curious if they go mostly to younger divisions and less towards the Masters.
  18. R

    McDonalds Pokemon Promotion Coming to the U.S. Again in May / June [4/25]

    Is the card you receive dependent on the launcher? I got a blastoise launcher with a chespin card, are all blastoise launchers similar? In case you aren't hungry you can pick up the toys by themselves for less than 2 dollars.
  19. R

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    I know if you use tinypic " here " you can choose to resize them if needed. Does anyone have any uncut sheets they'd be willing to show off? They've always fascinated me, I want to get one.
  20. R

    'Rising Fist' Officially Announced, Several Cards Revealed! [5/14]

    I've been wanting to make a deck around cheap cost attacks and lucario EX is looking good. Strong Energy, Muscle Band, and the Fighting Stadium packs quite the punch. 90 for 1... yikes. This strengthens the use of hammer I'm sure. All these recent energy buffs are making me interested in how...