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  1. Sombres

    Discussion Why does everyone think Dragapult Vmax is dead?

    Dragapult VMAX gets killed really easily. All you need is a full bench, maybe less depending on the zigzagoon hits. Chances are the first knockout will be on a dragapult v, and if it had an energy on it, you're gonna lose quite some tempo while they can, worst comes to worse, just boss' orders...
  2. Sombres

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    Celebi, yes! Seems they finally fired the Zoroark guy and put my clone there.
  3. Sombres

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    At first glance, they are a bit unoriginal and bland, but I think they were designed with a purpose in mind: Hit hard on weaknesses with a single triple boost attachment. Silvally lost some of its memories, and it cant just tech a bunch of hard hitters from the types it doesnt have, lest it just...
  4. Sombres

    'Cosmic Eclipse,' November's English Set!

    Huh, the pictures are in portuguese for me.
  5. Sombres

    SM11b 'Dream League,' Japan's August Set!

    This is hype. Darn.
  6. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    TPCI be like: "You get 1 basic form of a starter partnering with a big kanto one to sell product. Take it or leave it."
  7. Sombres

    'Detective Pikachu On The Case Figure Collection' in August!

    More because they'll rotate. Base sets are usually good for being the foundation, but not the best. sm 3 has some neat cards, but the chance you'll get them in an off-shoot booster is appalling.
  8. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    I don't know of any abilities like that, there should be a couple trainer cards like energy reset, as far as I know. HGSS has Unown RETURN, but that's legacy and only when it's played from the hand.
  9. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    ayy welder set up lmao who needs fidget spinners anyways
  10. Sombres

    'Poke Ball Series 3' Product Images!

    ayy we dont have to buy 10 to grab this one all these balls sure are expensive where I live though, so oof. Kinda wanted an ultra one, but they only be coming in that hidden fates thing, and the luxury ones are being overcharged for a bit at my local store.
  11. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    Remember when Registeel got an EX in early BW era, Regirock got one much, much later mid to late XY, and Regice was left in the dust? oof.
  12. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    so many opportunities for tag teams with cool, less seen pokemon wasted with nostalgia bait...oof
  13. Sombres

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    they could have used fully evoled johto or hoenn starters while keeping the others the same... there's more to nostalgia than just kanto pandering...
  14. Sombres

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    that's like a gohei or something. it makes sense that she's weird, she channels spirits thru her anyways. reimu confirmed for smash
  15. Sombres

    Pokemon Press Conference Tomorrow, Pokemon Direct in June!

    oof, half of it was like, mobile stuff. nothing too hypey for me.
  16. Sombres

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    Potion looks cool
  17. Sombres

    Celebi Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban!'

    2 CELEBIS IN ONE DAY IT IS I WHO NUTS TO THAT Hope this one comes to the west
  18. Sombres

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    Man, I just wanted a Candice FA...