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  1. Sombres

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    I believe the Mewtwo one is much better, fire stuff ahoy!
  2. Sombres

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    why would they make a gx with safeguard oooof
  3. Sombres

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Volcanion only good one, rest is eh. Wouldn't mind a Persian though.
  4. Sombres

    Bug Catcher from Family Box Set!

    by your logic, drawing extra cards can also benefit your opponent if they use a copycat.
  5. Sombres

    Bug Catcher from Family Box Set!

    Imagine they release this and there's like 1 good-ish draw supporter after 2020 rotation and everyone has to make decks with 4 erika's and 4 of this
  6. Sombres

    Porygon-Z-GX, Blaine's Quiz Show, and More Gym Promos Revealed!

    I instantly thought about the Cat's Day stuff that just got announced! Hope it combos with Shining Celebi. Also PorygonZ could make a memey deck with Persian-GX or Zoroark SM9 ayy
  7. Sombres

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    lol HGSS Ninetales is back I guess
  8. Sombres

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    I was thinking about using the usual jirachi engine that people thought with zapdos.
  9. Sombres

    Full Metal Wall in February

    Well, it cant be worse than baby buzzwole in prerelease
  10. Sombres

    'Tag Team Tins' in March!

    I neeeed, so need this. Nothing like some celebi merchandise!
  11. Sombres

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Those fossil cards, ew. Why must they make lock cards like these?
  12. Sombres

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Celebi is my fav. However, it's gonna take some work to use this grass tag team. At least it doesn't faint to a single zoroark hit.
  13. Sombres

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Dies in one hit to a single attachment from the most popular attacker around Pls Play gengar mimi with luxio I guess
  14. Sombres

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    Eh, but how? Doesn't pidgeot have to take 340 damage itself for mirror move to work?
  15. Sombres

    News 'Towering Splash-GX Box' in January, Features New Tag Team-GX!

    It's the stalling apocalypse...or at least it would certainly be if it wasn't for the three prize mechanic. we need such high life bars in the game? 200 is already a lot. Well, since Zoroark control is already the top dog right now, I guess there's no reason to be upset about a new...
  16. Sombres

    Thanks mate

    Thanks mate
  17. Sombres

    Rushing the last hours for that FA Acerola

    Rushing the last hours for that FA Acerola