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  1. kusa

    Nine Different Black Belt Supporters Revealed for “ex Starter Deck Generations,” New Promos!

    loved the first karateman with the scrolls of hitmonchan <3 and hitmonlee at his back
  2. kusa

    Owner Pokemon Returning to the TCG and Team Rocket Set Teased at Worlds!

    cmon rocket's hitmonchan plsssssss
  3. kusa

    Veluza ex, Yanmega, Billy & O’Nare, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for July!

    i had a micro stroke when saw the -30 to fighting in a water pokemon, i know that figthing type was hated by them(tpc) since base set but c'mon!. but it was just a typo XDDD
  4. kusa

    “Pokemon TCG Pocket” Gameplay Differences Analyzed, 40 “Genetic Apex” Cards Revealed So Far!

    this hitmonlee attack does weakness on bench pokemon?
  5. kusa

    Dragonite, Hitmonlee, and Dodrio from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    at first my reaction was just f. 10!!! really where now fighting has to fight with -30 resistance like in old days. but then keep reading oh not bad at all
  6. kusa

    Beedrill from “Pokemon Card 151” Revealed in “CoroCoro!”

    cant wait to see the 110hp stage 2 Pokémon
  7. kusa

    Clefairy, Clefable, & Hitmonchan from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    make hitmonchan great again T____T
  8. kusa

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    I summon Whimsicott GX attach an energy and use TOY BOX GX to search the five piezes of EXODIA the forbidden one! now EXODIA Obliterate!
  9. kusa

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    OMG Finally some fighting support! also is just +10 and +40 dmg and not only to the active rival Pokémon!?
  10. kusa

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    where's my hitmonchan gx, hitmonchan gx or hitmonchan & hitmonlee tag team! T______T
  11. kusa

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    C'mon give me Hitmonchan & Hitmonlee tag team at least T______________T
  12. kusa

    News 'Dark Order,' Japan's October Mini-Set!

    still not hitmonchan gx U________U cant wait for the prism star fighting stadium
  13. kusa

    New Players' Ceremony Promo Card, Evokes the Infamous Tropical Beach!

    well at least is a must have in standard stall decks
  14. kusa

    News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

    could be funny use shining cele. and vic. to use scyther atk and if you have 100 hp you could hit for 100/130 and prevent dmg next turn. ALSO When's Hitmonchan GX T_____T
  15. kusa

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

  16. kusa

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    could it be a reprint of lucario GX metal type just to send gardy to the oblivion
  17. kusa

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    so we got fighting type garchomp instead of the dragon type with the same moveset too? that would be so nice :3