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  1. kusa

    'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

    YES YES YES Zygarde GX fighting type pls T_T
  2. kusa

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    a kabutops gx would be cool
  3. kusa

    News SM4 DC counter energy

    i translated bad the card to eng now is fixed U___U
  4. kusa

    News SM4 DC counter energy

    This card provides a C. energy. If this card isnt attached to an EX/GX pokemon and you have more prices than your oponent this card provides 2 energies from every type. -edited my misstranslation U_U-
  5. kusa

    News Regirock from SM4 Revealed!

    I read the effect in another page and it was that if registeel was on the bench regirock do 10 more dmg