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  1. T

    News New USUM Trailer: Team Rainbow Rocket, Battle Agency, Catch All Legendaries!

    While you are right, I don't think it works like that. I too heard somewhere that the inclusion of a casino (that's actually named a casino with actual gambling addicts in it, remember the old man in Red/Blue) is not approved for a kids game anymore. Just as the drunk man lying on the road and a...
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    News New USUM Trailer: Team Rainbow Rocket, Battle Agency, Catch All Legendaries!

    Yeah, I kind of knew that.. Don't you miss the 90's ;)
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    News New USUM Trailer: Team Rainbow Rocket, Battle Agency, Catch All Legendaries!

    All I can say is; welcome back Giovanni. I guess there will finally be a real evil team again instead of some cheap, childish and/or unrealistic group like everything since Team Rocket. Yes Aether was allright I guess, but come on, nothing beats Team Rocket. Btw, does this mean the casino is...
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    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    I guess this is something like Legendary Treasures with the Zekrom and Reshiram? I like it, but keep it special please.
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    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    Nope, probably just random XY series packs.. And I agree, two is a stupid number. Either make it 6 or 8 for a box that is this expensive, or don't include them at all and drop the price somewhat.
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    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    The only reason I remember which in-game character this was is because of the water splash on the background.. Has to be the Water trial girl then right? Bring back Gym Leaders please.
  7. T

    News 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Z-Moves, Using Z-Moves Twice

    Yeah, if that's gonna be the case in VGC competitive play (using Z-moves twice) defensive play/stall is completely finished and the only viable form of play will be hyper offensive. Let's not. One Z-move is already somewhat problematic in my opinion (although also an interesting new mechanic at...
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    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    That's one gold looking card with the sand and the dragon-type coloring. A cheap way to bling out your deck I guess?
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    News 'Shining Legends Special Collection: Raichu-GX' in January!

    Agreed. Really cheap these products.. Yawn.
  10. T

    News New Ultra Beast, Ultra Recon Squad, and Ultra Space Travel Revealed!

    Well, it's a Ghost type, and an Ultra Beast so you should be ;)
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    News New Ultra Beast, Ultra Recon Squad, and Ultra Space Travel Revealed!

    Nice, finally some information that makes me excited for these games! A shame that Assembly should be as hard to break down as it comes.. But then it gets Rock/Steel typing.. Say goodbye to any walling capabilities for ''the wall''. The designs are really awesome though, especially that UB...
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    News New 'Spooky Blisters' at Barnes & Noble

    Loving that Holo Crobat. Neo Revelation, anyone?
  13. T

    News Full English 'Shining Legends' Set List!

    Yeah, same for me. Just to much and so predictable that it's not even fun collecting. This set feels like a breath of fresh air!
  14. T

    Pokémon Mudsdale Moveset and EV Spread?

    Yeah, both are viable mostly in lower tiers. Battle spot singles is a harsh environment for Mudsdale anyway. It depends on what you want. However, from my experience a stall Mudsdale is more dangerous, and more surprising. Never had to much trouble with the offensive variants because they are...
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    Pokémon Mudsdale Moveset and EV Spread?

    Well, I wouldn't recommend the choice band. The moveset seems ok. I wouldn't run heavy slam though. Mudsdale is a very good physical staller so you're gonna want to run toxic. My set would be like this; Earthquake Rock slide/Protect Toxic Substitute/Protect 252 HP 126 Def/130 Special Def (so...
  16. T

    Discussion New UBs and the National Dex Conundrum

    There will definitely be more new Pokemon, at least more Ultra Beasts. If not, I might actually skip this game for the first time in Pokemon history (no I won't, but it would really suck). I agree that they should just include the new ones in the Sun & Moon dex instead of placing them after...
  17. T

    News UB Burst and UB Assembly Revealed on Nintendo Direct!

    Just realize you might be right about that partial Fire typing, since it 'bursts' like the sun, and can only be found in Ultra Sun. It doesn't look like a regular Fire type but these are Ultra Beasts right.
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    News UB Burst and UB Assembly Revealed on Nintendo Direct!

    Necrozma is not an Ultra Beast, as already said above.
  19. T

    News UB Burst and UB Assembly Revealed on Nintendo Direct!

    Allright, here we go; Burst is obviously Psychic with the purple and weirdness (also because there isn't a Psychic ultra beast yet). Maybe Psychic/Dark? Unless they pull a Nihiligo on us. Then it's probably a Grass/Fire type ;) Assembly is bit harder. Maybe Rock/Psychic?