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  1. camohunter19

    Reprints in the Next Set

    I would like to get it only for the Shaymin-EX reprint. A reprint would really drive the price down.
  2. camohunter19

    Finished Everyone is Mafia! - Phase 3!

    So do we continue to shoot randomly, or should we coordinate our kills?
  3. camohunter19

    Finished Everyone is Mafia! - Phase 3!

    Well I figured you didn't intend to, but I figured we're all grouped up like that, so why not? Makes it simple and technically the teams aren't unbalanced in terms of the number of players.
  4. camohunter19

    Finished Everyone is Mafia! - Phase 3!

    As far as teams go, I feel like we've been separated into handy little pods of 5. We might as well use those until the first night is over.
  5. camohunter19

    Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

    As you can see I have most of the cards for Greninja, but I still have a dilemma. I have enough money to buy a Shaymin right now, but Greninja lists usually don't use Shaymin but opt for Octillery. I have enough money to buy two Octillery. and staples needed to complete Greninja. What...
  6. camohunter19

    Standard Bad Omen (Absol/M Gallade-EX/Forretress)

    I don't thinkHope that Zygarde is necessary here. Especially since Stand In Zoarark exists. So I would cut that, and add a Super Scoop Up (To scoop up damaged Gallade/Shaymin/Forretress) -1 Zygarde +1 SSU Next I would take out the Buddy-Buddy Rescues and add more Scoop Ups (again, to be...
  7. camohunter19

    Standard The Most Underrated EX Ever (Diance EX / Aromatisse)

    Have you thought about Giovanni's scheme? It helps you hit 130, which OHKOs baby yveltal and opposing xerns.
  8. camohunter19

    What Cards to Use Alongside Diancie-EX

    It is probably best to not worry about what you have and what you don't for the moment. Just focus on what would make the most consistent deck. That being said, I think a few copies of Assault Vest could make Diance tankier vs decks that play very few basic energy (Bees, Night March)
  9. camohunter19

    Discussion Puzzle of Time - Necessary, or Not?

    Do you play special energy?
  10. camohunter19

    Standard M Beedrill EX

    Why are you playing tool retriever?
  11. camohunter19

    Ruling Medicham and Giovonni's Scheme

    I was wondering how Giovanni's Scheme interacts with Ancient Trait Medicham from Primal Clash. Sorry about the quality of the scans.
  12. camohunter19

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    I doubt it, because it would compete with Shaymin ROS for space
  13. camohunter19

    Trades [USA-WW] xPOKEFREAK72x W: LEGENDS, H: Lots

    I am interested in staples (Ultra Ball, Muscle Band, VS Seeker, N) I have: Colorless Ray Greninja BKP (and the holo one from the theme deck) Frogadier BKP Froakie BKP Stardust Jirachi
  14. camohunter19

    Trevenant BREAK

    I've been playing phantump as my only basic as well, and it's been working pretty well. The only time it is hard to get that turn 1 lock is just bad cards being in my hand to begin with and not being able to Wally that turn because of needing to draw more cards.
  15. camohunter19

    Partners for Omastar BREAK?

    Lugia FCL would be good. Omastar can bring up EXs and Lugia could kill them.
  16. camohunter19

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    So I recently pulled a lighter-colored reverse holo Vullaby, the image is posted below. (It's the one on the right, I know it's kinda hard to tell) Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows how this happens, whether there is a market for it, and if there is, how much it is worth (my guess is...
  17. camohunter19

    Standard Magnezone/Raichu

    Is there a strategy you are trying to execute with your deck?
  18. camohunter19

    Ruling Trick Coin and Victini

    If I use Victory Star, can I still use Trick Coin?
  19. camohunter19

    TCG Fakes TFP's Text-Based Fakes!

    I like how your Leavanny focuses on the cutting part of the Pokemon instead of the clothes-making part like a majority of other Leavanny cards. It really opens your eyes to what Leavanny could do in a fight.