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  1. M

    Lanturn Prime (Masters, BR)

    i would put another sunnyshore city gym to be ready for different types of decks.
  2. M

    Ruling Shaymin lv 44

    if there is more than one Shaymin in play and they all have energy attached. And one uses energy blow would that add all of the energy attached to the Shaymin who used it or all of them in play. I really asking about the vagueness of the cards that use there name and not this(insert name).
  3. M

    Ruling lanturn prime

    when lanturn uses underwater dive can that change all the lanturns in play to water type.
  4. M

    Ruling cascoon

    can cascoon evolve with ascension on the same turn it was played.
  5. M

    Ruling Underwater Dive

    I was wondering if i use Underwater dive and have another lanturn that is from a different set will they both be water type