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  1. S

    Dimension Sphere (Lucario) Battle Roads

    Come on guys, im stumped! :P
  2. S

    Dimension Sphere (Lucario) Battle Roads

    Pokemon:25 Riolu x4 Lucario x4 Palkia G x2 Palkia G lvl X x2 Phanpy x2 Donphan Prime x1 Relicanth x2 crobat G x2 Unown Q x2 Uxie x2 Zorua x1 Zoroark x1 Trainers/Supporters:21 Seeker x1 SSU x2 Pokedrawer + x2 Expert Belt x2 Pokemon Communication x2 Luxary ball x1 Pokemon...
  3. S

    Scizor Prime (Masters/cities)

    I agree, but I can find a useful replacement for it, now a Blaziken counter might be a good choice, as its one of the few things I am weak against. Also I lost to a girl with a Gyrados twice any ideas how to counter that Aswell?
  4. S

    Scizor Prime (Masters/cities)

    Heres the situation, In the past two days I went 7 and 3 with this deck. It can do with some minor changes. (Mainly in the trainers/supporters) We have another tournament tomorrow so I need help ASAP. Pokemon-19 4-4 Scizor prime 2-2 Dodrio 4 Jirachi 2 Dialga G 1 Dialga G Lv. X...