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  1. P

    Needs a new name

    RE: sleepy time so this is a fixed list let me know what you think Pokemon-29 Darkrai-4 (MD) Darkrai G-4 (RR) Pichu-1(HS) Sneasel-4(UN) Weavile-4(UN) Apiom-3(TR) Ambipom-3(TR) Absol-2(TR) Houndour-3(UN) Houndoom-3(UN) Trainers-13 Super scoop up-2 Seeker-3 Prof Oak’s new...
  2. P

    Needs a new name

    RE: sleepy time sorry this is for a random tourny at my local store and the rainbow energy was for darkrai legendary but i cut it out and forgot to change the distribution
  3. P

    Needs a new name

    hey so this is a deck that im workin on but i want some opinions on what anyone might think to make it better i have still yet to playtest it but id still like the input Pokemon-28 Darkrai-4 (MD) Darkrai G-4 (RR) Pichu-4 (HS) Spirittomb-4 (AR) Absol-4 (TU) Sneasel-4 (UD) Weavile-4...
  4. P

    Ruling Question about an old card

    hey all i have a question that may be silly but i just want to double check the rainbow energy thats from delta spcies is that considerd to be a normal rainbow energy now or is it still restricted to the delta condition Thanks Palin