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    UmbreTar 2.0 (seniors,state's)

    Swap 2 regular darkness for special and another two for double colourless, they are very useful for T2 power clawing if you can Evolve fast enough which I think would be difficult since you only have two rare candies and no bts, take out flower shop girl for another rare candy. Only go with...
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    Hi there I was wandering If anyone could offer some advice for a new deck I put together. Thanks very much. 3 Raichu prime UD 4 Pikachu SV 4-3-3 Crobat Prime UL 2 Luxray gl 2 Uxie LA 1 Unown Q Trainers 3 Warp Points 4 Super Scoop Ups 2 Energy Returners UL 3 Energy Search 2...