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  1. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop | Added: Ranger Heatran and Shaymin!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop thanks! that sounds cool
  2. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop | Added: Ranger Heatran and Shaymin!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop that'd be awesome. and srry, i didnt know if they were legit or not.[hr] what wuld u want for an oddish?
  3. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop | Added: Ranger Heatran and Shaymin!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop i'll get u shiny celebi for a dawn stone and a shiny mew for a sun stone. culd u throw a oddish in there too?
  4. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades AJ & Will2bcrazy's Ecruteak Trading Center and Cloning Service

    RE: AJ & Will2bcrazy's Trading Center and Cloning Service give u something for an oddish?
  5. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: The 89th Guys Global Terminal: CLONING SERVICE that'd be great esinger? r u legit?
  6. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Mimebread's Pokepalace *Has new Pokemon :)*

    i'll give you a shiny mew or celebi for that shiny hoot-hoot
  7. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop | Added: Ranger Heatran and Shaymin!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop do u have a dawn stone?
  8. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: The 89th Guys Global Terminal: CLONING SERVICE can u clone my event jirachi?
  9. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades AJ & Will2bcrazy's Ecruteak Trading Center and Cloning Service

    RE: AJ & Will2bcrazy's Trading Center and Cloning Service o. thanks! btw, u got any shiny;s that iu can trade u for a shiny mew or shiny celebi?
  10. GossipGirlXOXO

    Wi-Fi Trades AJ & Will2bcrazy's Ecruteak Trading Center and Cloning Service

    RE: AJ & Will2bcrazy's Trading Center and Cloning Service hey. aj. can u clone my event jirachi for me? also i have a q. if i make an egg of a shiny pokemon, will the pokemon in the egg be shiny too?
  11. GossipGirlXOXO

    DPPt/HGSS Looking for Event Jirachi

    i can give u the jirachi right now. what lvl is your shiny mareep? i'll give u a shiny celebi for your shiny mareep if that doesnt work out.
  12. GossipGirlXOXO

    DPPt/HGSS Aj1234119

    +3 for fast trading, patience for a newbie, and legit promises.
  13. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    r u gonna clone it is that why ur brining out raltz?[hr] i'm confused right now? o.o. srry if i came off as nooby[hr] i sent u celebii as of now. ur gonna clone, right?
  14. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    okay. can u make a clone of the dratini first so i can know ur legit?
  15. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    haven't done this in a while. sorry :( what am i supposed to do?
  16. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    will u also be able to clone the dratini?
  17. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    so do u want the dratini? or am i giving u the shiny celebi for them?
  18. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    i have a shiny mew?[hr] my friend code is 2364 7770 3193
  19. GossipGirlXOXO

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    im not sure. i got it off of a trade on pokebeach and i didnt ask if it was.
  20. GossipGirlXOXO

    DPPt/HGSS Looking For Pokemons! Please!

    RE: I'm In need of Pokemons lvl 16 and it's a girl