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  1. Oddish22

    Hop Full Art Promo Revealed!

    I think it makes a lot of sense for the first set, as the video games just have been released. And if you are interested in both TCG and video games, it gives you more time to explore the game's new Pokémon before seeing them all as cards. You could argue that you could preorder the cards but...
  2. Oddish22

    Duraludon Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban!'

    Now that we are getting closer to the sets and know all of the Pokémon (apart from some that might be added to the game later), I'm curious about how the sets after the base set will be designed. Which themes - areas, types, teams etc. In some way I hope that not already 80-90 % of the new...
  3. Oddish22

    Question Why Do GF Hate Ice Types So Much?

    There will most likely be more than 100 new Pokémon (including Galarian forms), I would be surprised if there is not at least one new evolution line which is partially ice-type. Less than half of the Pokémon have been revealed officially. I like that. I expect to also have 1-2 Galarian form ice...
  4. Oddish22

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    There are 82 shinies excluding the gold cards. I have opened 6 Japanese boxes (usually 2-3 shinies per box), 4 tins, 1 3-pack blister and an Elite trainer box. I have 23 shinies in total. But 5 of them twice and Xurkitree I actually have 6 times... So 15/82 only, from 6 Japanese boxes and 29...
  5. Oddish22

    Gigantamax Charizard, Pikachu, Meowth, Eevee Revealed!

    Well, I'm not looking forward to the cards. I'm not against the concept of dynamaxing and gigantamaxing, but I don't really want a Meowth card that looks like that and I doubt that many of them actually are good-looking.
  6. Oddish22

    'Cosmic Eclipse,' November's English Set!

    You often needed to spend a lot of money to complete a set (Neo shining Pokémon, Gold stars), but I totally agree that it's too many. How many rares? How many holos? SR > FA > rares > holos, but it should be rares > holos >> FA >>> SR. If there's so many, then they need to change the pack...
  7. Oddish22

    Galarian Ponyta Revealed in Famitsu Magazine, Fairy-Type

    Fire-psychic could have fit more. I'm trying to think about how they really could have diverged. Did the original one have no fire and no psychic abilities or did fire stop and psychic start? I expected fairy, but lately there have been more fairies than psychic types as new Pokémon, so a pure...
  8. Oddish22

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    So I opened 3 tins yesterday: 1. tin: 1 shiny (Xurkitree), 1 FA (Birds) 2. tin: 1 shiny (Frogadier), 1 FA (Jessie & James) 3. tin: 2 shinies (Gardevoir GX and Eevee), 1 FA (Birds), 1 holo (Jessie & James). So if you have a lot of tins like my 3rd one, you would say it's 50 %, if you have a lot...
  9. Oddish22

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    I haven't opened packs so far (will soon), but I thought it was either 1:3 or 1:3.33. Of course with only 3 or 4 packs in one product that almost does not matter, because with 4 packs it would be 1 or 2 and if you then combine many tins you have anything between 1:4 and 1:2. Then, the holos and...
  10. Oddish22

    Sword & Shield Holo Pattern Revealed!

    1. Yes. 2. Possible, but we don't know for sure. It has been like that for the last 7 years, I don't know since when. But it has not always been like that. I personally don't like the cracked ice and wish the cosmos on the promos was a bit stronger (brighter).
  11. Oddish22

    Sword & Shield Holo Pattern Revealed!

    We have to see it in person to really judge it. It looks like BW 90° shifted, but finer and less bright, so you might be able to see the artwork better. It's OK, but it's already the second design part that makes me like SM better than SWSH, so for me BW < XY ? SWSH < SM.
  12. Oddish22

    'Tag All Stars' Set Revealed in 'CoroCoro!'

    I did not want to buy this set, but this has an Erika FA, and I have none so far. I really want that.
  13. Oddish22

    'Pokemon V' Mechanic Announced: Zacian V, Zamazenta V from 'Sword & Shield!'

    Even the card design looks like EX - just bigger pictures., probably V max will be like M EX. It's a bit disappointing, as I liked GX more than EX. And the illustrations are really boring. If they could do it more like the GX alternative artworks, the ultra rares would be something worth to...
  14. Oddish22

    Discussion What mechanics are you hoping for in Gen 8 TCG

    - Change resistance from -30 to -50 or -60, as damage and HP just have increased, but resistance stayed the same. Resistance should be a good portion of the HP. How much is it in the video games? - Change attacks - energy requirements/damage output for basic unevolved Pokémon; 10 for 1 Energy or...
  15. Oddish22

    Help Identifying my cards?

    If you are a collector and not really in need for a few hundred dollars, I would keep all the cards. If I sold them I would regret it. As a collector it generally just feels better to have some good quality 20 year old cards than having some new cards of which thousands exist in good quality...
  16. Oddish22

    Help Fake Card? Or Weird Mistake?

    Yes, the energy symbols look wrong too. I agree to trying the feel and backside. But otherwise the fake is quite well-done.
  17. Oddish22

    'Pokemon V' Mechanic Announced: Zacian V, Zamazenta V from 'Sword & Shield!'

    The set sizes have been discussed before. For me, the most important thing now is to adjust the attacks/Energy costs of all cards. Now the highest HP are 3x as high as at the start of the TCG, the unevolved basics back then had mostly 30-50 HP, probably 40 on average and had attacks like 10 for...
  18. Oddish22

    'Hidden Fates Premium Powers Collection' in October!

    I preordered it for 46 € (from the UK), so yes, the European version will start from ca. 45 € at the cheapest places without discount. The smaller stores will probably sell it for much more though. I remember it was like that for Shining Legends.
  19. Oddish22

    Watch Live: 'Pokemon Direct' Stream for 'Pokemon Sword' and 'Shield!'

    The Pokémon are OK, Drednaw I like the least, but there is none so far which I don't like apart from Scorbunny. A crow and a sheep make sense for Great Britain. Only carrying a sword between your teeth like that and fighting with it looks really painful. Will it faint if it loses the sword (or...
  20. Oddish22

    Discussion Which of the 9 Tag Team GX will be eliminated from Unified Minds?

    I think this one hint, but the Night Unison art wasn't in Unbroken Bonds either, although Greninja & Zoroark-GX are 2 very popular Pokémon. I don't know if the alternate art birds card is especially hard to pull in the Japanese set to make it similar to a gold card, but it could add a lot to any...