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  1. Oddish22

    News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

    Yes, but the last 3 or so sets all had so many so early. It's both good and bad for me. Back in the day I never knew what a set had in it before opening the first booster pack of it. But nowadays I'm looking at Pokébeach almost every day and will know every card before, just maybe not if a card...
  2. Oddish22

    Fun Celestial Storm pull rates

    Then it's good you bought both blisters and booster box. I opened blisters so far (2 3-pack, 2 1-pack) and got 6 non-holo rares and 2 holos. My booster box got lost in the mail and I'm still trying to find it :(.
  3. Oddish22

    Fun Celestial Storm pull rates

    A shop owner I know opened 12 boxes (2 cases): 11 Secret Rares (5 Items, 6 Rainbow Rares) 14 Full Arts 51 GX 24 Prism Stars = 0.91 SR, 1.16 FA, 4.25 GX, 2.00 PS per box. So an average box would be 4 GX, 1 FA, 1 SR, 2 PS. If you have 2 FA, most likely no SR, but there should be very few boxes...
  4. Oddish22

    Help Confusion on upcoming releases

    Miss any what? Any cards so far released in Japan or sets? We don't know if all SM7a, SM7b and SM8 cards will be in Lost Thunder and there are also always some Japanese promos left over. But everything else will come after Lost Thunder...
  5. Oddish22

    Help What have I missed?

    In summary: If you only want to play online - no money is needed. But you need to trade or earn booster packs. A GX is about 1/6 packs. A pack costs 300 coins on the TCG online or you earn some as rewards for finishing top 3 in some tournament. So it will take hours and days to get the deck...
  6. Oddish22

    Help Confusion on upcoming releases

    Lost Thunder – November 2 2018 Charisma of the Wrecked Sky - Already released in Celestial Storm - August 3 2018 Fairy Rise - in Lost Thunder - November 2 2018 Dragon Majesty - released in several collection boxes, starting September 7 2018 (Elite Trainer Box, Latias/Latios Pin Collections)
  7. Oddish22

    News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

    It's 3 more GXs and 1 more Prism Star than Ultra Prism (173+ cards). Assuming the 13 GX have FAs and there are about 10 Trainer FAs (if all included), then there are still around almost 170 cards that are not Ultra Rares. That's quite insane, so pulling a specific holo card or maybe even an...
  8. Oddish22

    New 'Pikachu & Eevee Poke Ball Collection' in November!

    The Eevee is beautiful. Would not buy it just for that though.
  9. Oddish22

    Collecting Are these old cards fake?!?

    They do look real. Quality-wise, sadly they have a lot of scratches on the foil, right?
  10. Oddish22

    Discussion Seaking has been forgotten for too long

    I hope for all the neglected ones, especially the babies and maybe some day even Kadabra. But I think mostly during the last 2-3 years the distribution was quite well-done. Also I like that unexpected Pokémon like Magcargo, Electrode, Mr. Mime, Shiftry and Sigilyph get GXs. They might all be...
  11. Oddish22

    Help Need help with my base set booster box

    You should also consider if you want/need the money now. Because if you keep it longer, the price will only rise. When I came back to collecting in early 2012, I saw Jungle booster boxes on Ebay for 125 € and thought - that's so expensive. I saw regular Base Set boosters in a game shop for 10 €...
  12. Oddish22

    Discussion Next set release in Japan?

    I almost forgot too. Now the last subsets have all been like regular sets, just a bit smaller and less double sets at the same date. So it's like a new Japanese set releasig every 1-2 months. Did anyone of you read/hear about what Japanese collectors and players think of this way? Also, let's...
  13. Oddish22

    Collecting Future gx or ex pokemon

    These I would like to have GXs. In bold = would like most. Generation 1: Venusaur, Blastoise, Arbok, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Arcanine, Poliwrath, Alakazam, Victreebel, Tentacruel, Dodrio, Kingler, Weezing, Jynx, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Omastar, Kabutops Generation 2: Meganium...
  14. Oddish22

    SM7 'Celestial Storm' Revealed!

    I just bought a Japanese one a month ago, because I thought it will never be released in English. But it's not too bad. I might still not get it from opening Celestial Storm boosters (I'm just a collector at the moment).
  15. Oddish22

    Help Is my booster box rigged?

    I don't think a FA/HR/SR is guaranteed (usually 0-2, but very different for different sets). And 11 holos+URs is not so uncommon. It has happened to me. The average with highest occurance is 12, but 11 and 13 also happen.
  16. Oddish22

    Discussion Champion Road (Korean)

    It's released the same way as regular sets, right? Because I opened a Japanse box, still missing 3 GXs and did not get any FA, but I have opened 4 Korean boxes of other sets so far (1 was Evolutions, so different) and those usually have such bad pulls (2x GX/EX per box, which even can be the...
  17. Oddish22

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    I agree that 100 for 4 Energies is much too little for a stage 2. I'm no fan of Pokémon getting stronger and stronger, but even some years ago this would not have been special. From a powerful Dragon Stage 2 you would expect something like 150.
  18. Oddish22

    'Dragon Majesty,' Special Set Releasing in America This Fall!

    I agree too. While "Dragon Storm" also has good marketing potential, because it's about Dragon Pokémon, "Champion Road" would never have the same potential as a Base Set reprint, but still it would gain much more interest as a seperate set. I also doubt it will be a subset in our SM7, as it's a...
  19. Oddish22

    Discussion Forbidden Light packs with 5 prism cards?

    Hard to prove without a video or so, but there have been errors with reverses in the past too, so it is not impossible that a few packs had wrong cards in them. I also had some upside down cards in a pack from a booster box in Ultra Prism, which is much less of a mistake, but still
  20. Oddish22

    Wigglytuff GX??

    You are right, but if a Fairy themed set has multiple Fairy GXs, then there is a small chance, as these do already have GXs: Sylveon, Xerneas, (Alolan Ninetales,) Gardevoir, (Primarina,) (4 Tapus) --- in brackets = not as Fairy And these do not: Clefable, Granbull, Florges, Aromatisse, Slurpuff...