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  1. E

    The Fo' Show Shop| Providing the best banners since 2010!| Looking for good employees

    RE: The Fo' Show Shop :3 Espy: Here is the first one I'll do the second one after these other requests I'll get to the rest of yall here soon
  2. E

    The Fo' Show Shop| Providing the best banners since 2010!| Looking for good employees

    RE: The Fo' Show Shop :3 Done, the avatar is mediocre but I overdid myself on the signature.... EDIT: The banner should be transparent, it's...
  3. E

    The Fo' Show Shop| Providing the best banners since 2010!| Looking for good employees

    RE: The Fo' Show Shop :3 You want both? Prolly be done tomorrow... eating potato and sausage soup :3
  4. E

    The Fo' Show Shop| Providing the best banners since 2010!| Looking for good employees

    Welcome to the Fo' Show Shop I'm back! My old one was locked, due to me not being on in like a year, but I'm back. I'd <3 you if you requested gangstalicious stuff. Notable things about my work: - Renders - Known for my speed - Featured as one of the workers in the "Example Shop" thread as...
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    My art thread! Banner and Pokémon Full Body Art!

    RE: My art thread! Banner and Pokémon Full Body Art! UPDATED+I'M BACK!! First one, is for my Machinima Account, second is for here!
  6. E

    No More Summer Vacation?

    For some reason I think you are not in school, lol.... If you were you WOULD NOT be fine with this. I hate school passionately. To have to stay longer, screw my future, I am dropping out :P
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    (1) PHP Programmer Wanted! [9/27]

    I know a good bit of it. I am not a pro, but I can always help. (School comes first, then here :P )
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    Pokemon Is having noobs (legendaries) bad?

    I usually battle with my custom non-uber team. At leveled and got fairly. My freinds use candied, maxed, cheated ubers and face me with like 3 Arceus and 6 Darkrai. You get more respect using non-ubers.
  9. E

    No More Summer Vacation?

    You are very off my friend. They don't call people in the Tea Party's "a bunch of racist rednecks" like MSNBC, CNN, etc. They are right-wing but that's not biased. That's the truth. Bill Oreilly has even complemented Obama, so it's not all anti-Obama. I could care less about Obama, he angers me...
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    No More Summer Vacation?

    Wow. Japanese students can do advanced algebra on an Abacus, they are so smart. That took determintation. It would be cool to live at school, but not mine. It's aweful
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    More art needed for the main site!

    Yea, I will do this. When is it due, cause I have NO time this week.
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    I have it... H1N1

    So I recovered it! Still have the symptoms though, just no fever.
  13. E

    No More Summer Vacation?

    Also, instead of changing the times, they should be changing the curriculum. If you make an A in a public school, you are only C material in a Private school. Asians are smarter then us, because we are lazy and we a slackers. They have drive, will, and the bar is always raised. Our bar is...
  14. E

    No More Summer Vacation?

    Well there are two sides. There should be a test on who gets to have a break. If you fail everything you shouldn't have a break only to not learn and become less prepared for the next year. China and Japan's students are some of the brightest in the world, while ours ranks like 40th :P We need...
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    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: American Trader: H: 2 Uxie X, 5 Blazekin X, 3 Flygon X, 2 Luxray X, W: Flygon X and Luxray X + To CYL Do you need what I listed earlier though?
  16. E

    I have it... H1N1

    ??? I am ElectroManiac, not Electimorter :P Anyway, it stinks. Can't keep Moltrin, Tylenol, or Teslon Pearl down. I threw it up. The good things about it are: 1.) No school 2.) You get Ice Cream 3.) Your parents take pity on you and buy you stuff. I get to go to a BR because of this.
  17. E

    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu What I need now is only: RR Leafeon x1 ************ GE Rare Candy x3 ******** RR Volkner's x2 ***** Bebe's x2 *********** Roseanne's Research x3 **** Leafeon Lv. X...
  18. E

    W:Magnezone Yanmega PkmnCatcher H:Primes typh.. Collector DCE LostWorld Victory Medal

    RE: .:|Have Claydols Alot Lv.xs Staples&More Japanese Sleeves & DeckBoxes Worlds Stuf|:. I really need your Glaceon Lv. X Do you need Floatzel GL Lv. X, Skymin Lv. X (Pack), Shiftry EX, Fan Rotom, or Metagross EX?
  19. E

    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu Nope. Current Notables: EX: Metagross EX (Power Keepers) Shiftry EX (Crystal Guardians) X: Floatzel GL Lx. X Skymin Lv. X (Pack) Darkrai Lv. X (Tin) *Possibly going to...
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    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: American Trader: H: 2 Uxie X, 5 Blazekin X, 3 Flygon X, 2 Luxray X, W: Flygon X and Luxray X + To CYL Yea, but it hasn't been updated in a while. You can look though! The latest updates are in the last posts. Do you want JPN Cards?