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    Paint Splatter Banner Tutorial! (My first!)

    I do, but for that I tried out banner-making in GIMP. My current banner is GIMP also.
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    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: American Trader: H: 2 Uxie X, 5 Blazekin X, 3 Flygon X, 2 Luxray X, W: Flygon X and Luxray X + To CYL any other cards you have? I want vaporeon ex and mewtwo ex, what other x cards do you have? I don't have any more EX's or X's.... I really need the Leafeon X, Glaceon X, and the rare...
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    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: American Trader: H: 2 Uxie X, 5 Blazekin X, 3 Flygon X, 2 Luxray X, W: Flygon X and Luxray X + To CYL I need: 1 Glaceon X 1 Leafeon X 3 Rare Candy 2 Bebe's 3 Roseanne's 2 Unown G 2 Claydol I have: Shiftry EX, Metagross EX, Floatzel GL Lv. X, Skymin Lv. X (Pack), and Fan Rotom. Could...
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    I need Magmar MT and Magmortar LV.X. I have 4x Energy Gain, 3x Power Spray, 4x Cyrus's, and Gatr Pri

    RE: REALLY need a Rhyperior DP, 2x Call Energy, 3x Uxie (Stitch Holo) and a Gallade 4 holo. PLEASE CML. Updated my Wants So I need: MD Eevee x2 MD Leafeon (#7) x2 GE Unown G x2 I have: Power Spray x1 Darkrai Lv. X (Tin) Slightly Scratched, BARELY noticeable.
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    Star Art-Pokemon Art.

    RE: Star Art-Pokemon Art.( Updated 9/18/09 With The five faces of Pink Psycho ) If you could do a Hitsugaya drawing I would <3 you :P
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu Sorry none of those.... I can get a BTS, but it will be a while.
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu I posted a reply to yours :P
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu Yea, I really do :'( And I don't really want to buy JPN Cards right now. If I get some money, I will only buy things I need right now. I will give you more for Express...
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    SeniorSpoony's Exchange Post *If your waiting on a trade from me READ THIS*

    RE: Senior Spoony's Exchange Post |W:|x4 Cyclone Energy |H:| x1 Absol G! Are you interested in Skymin Lv. X (Pack) and Floatzel GL Lv. X? If so, I need these: RR NidoQueen RR Jolteon x2 RR Vaporeon x2 2 Bebe's Search
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu Ughh. They keep stalling. It will be here soon. I couldn't work anyway, I got the Swine Flu. About your post, check my wants and see what you have.
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu I only saw: Jolteon RR Vaporeon RR How many of those do you have and do you have any Bebe's or Rosanne's?
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    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (N) PIKACHU M LV.X Maybe trading an X for it (H) Luxray GL X Would you do: Floatzel GL Lv. X Throw In Your: 2 Leafeon RR 1 Leafeon Lv. X
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    The Render Shop

    Google. :P
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    Star Art-Pokemon Art.

    RE: Star Art-Pokemon Art.( Updated 9/18/09 With The five faces of Pink Psycho ) I like it. Looks Psychedelic... I like the Pokémon drawing best though.
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    MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG &

    RE: MAJOR Rising Rivals Update, cards on last post! [H] Skymin Lv. X, Floatzel GL Lv. X Fan Rotom (ENG & JPN) [W] Nidoqu Chu X is gone. I do have Skymin Lv. X (Pack) and Floatzel GL Lv. X
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    The Render Shop

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    The Render Shop

    Okay. Will Do Ok. Sorry, I meant to tell you I needed better quality scans
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    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (N) PIKACHU M LV.X Maybe trading an X for it (H) Luxray GL X You still need Floatzel right? I need: Leafeon Lv. X Leafeon RR Eevee RR How many of those do you have?
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    SoulWork - Artshop - Repost your Request if needed.

    RE: SoulWork - Artshop - Please, I'm looking for 2 more employees ='( I'll take this order.[hr] Here you go:
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    I have it... H1N1

    Highest fever so far is 104.... so I think it's bad. It was worse in days past, but I still have fever chills... But I enjoy having them. :P