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    Pokemon Top Design - Round 3 is up (Rotom)

    RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon) Koga's Crobat lv53 90 HP {P} Stage 2 Picture: Swarm of bats (Zubat, Golbat, Crobat) in a valley with cliffs on either side, and a cave halfway up one side. One Crobat is nearer than the rest. Poke-power: Swarm Once during your turn, when...
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    iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition : ROUND 3 STARTS

    RE: iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition Darkrai lvX 110 HP {D} Level-Up Picture: Darkrai lit from below, with a clear, starry sky background. Front view, not angled. Eye glowing brightly. Its right hand extended toward the viewer (extending out the bottom left corner of the card)...
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    iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition : ROUND 3 STARTS

    RE: iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition I'm just about to post my card... just a moment...
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    #3 Green Energy

    A space elevator has more use than just dumping radioactive waste. :S It's way cheaper than our current method of sending things to space (humans, satellites, space probes, etc), and takes FAR less energy. Right now we use fuel to send up fuel to send up fuel to send up a tiny payload. :S...
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    Actual label instructions on consumer goods

    quote: "This document contains sensitive electronics. For best performance, do not bend, perforate or expose to extreme temperatures." Last page of a US passport. (no, I have no intention of skewering it over a BBQ)
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    Finished Would you rather: The game that is played... in America!

    RE: Would you rather and the Prisoner of Gamecornia! B. I'd sing it as Canadian death reggae, and they'd never notice the lyrics... WYR: A. be deaf B. be blind
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    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    I like mutations. 9/10
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    Ruling Confusion?

    ^ No. That's for sleep. Confusion has changed since the TCG started: now you hit yourself for 30 instead of 20 on tails, and you can retreat without flipping for it. But you still stay confused whether you attack or not.
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    #3 Green Energy

    Would you mind elaborating on that?
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    Ruling Rainbow Energy + Dawn Stadium

    ^ dawn stadium removes damage. Dawn stadium removes one damage counter, exactly offsetting Rainbow Energy's damage counter placement.
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    Need some help putting a deck together

    For the returning TCG player: Just a general guideline - most good decks nowadays have around 15-25 pokemon, 25-30 trainers/supporters/stadiums, & 10-15 energy. They also need drawpower. Most decks use: Claydol GE, Uxie LA, and/or Volkner's Philosophy. Games are rather fast-paced, so...
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    #3 Green Energy

    ^ Yes we can. We need a space elevator. It has been said that if we concentrated on it, we could have one in 15 yrs. The power sources we will ultimately come to rely on are electricity from solar cells (probably in space) and nuclear FUSION...
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    There was actually snow in Marseille a couple months ago. Snow in southern France is very rare, and it paralyzed the city until it melted. :P
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    Actual label instructions on consumer goods

    People tip over the machine towards them to try to get a free drink/snack. They sometimes lose control of it and it crushes them. Note: If they succeed, the company loses profits. Easiest way to try to combat this is to write something on the machine. Not very effective, though.
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    iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition : ROUND 3 STARTS

    RE: iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition *hmm...* I support the motion of initiating the competition at this point in time.
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    Halp me decide on a deck for BR's...?

    Run Porygon-Z GE. Nobody will ever see it coming... and then BOOM! 240 damage. I strongly recommend getting Lucario GL (so you can use BTS) & including 1-1 Dialga G lvX (for Shiftry. :/ ).
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    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! It has been suggested that the entire anime since the first episode is just a very long dream of Ash while he lies in a coma, induced by Pikachu's Thundershock.
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    Pokemon What do people in Pokemon eat?

    "... legends of a duck that carries a leek coming to lost and starving travelers in forests, offering itself to be eaten. " :D I know it was written somewhere that they taste better with leek, and that their numbers are dwindling from...