Search results

  1. numberonewill

    Updated Haves! W: EX Keldeo, H: FA Skyla, FA Virizion, FA Thundurus, Pokemon Catchers, etc.;

    hey again. Still interested in the Catchers and FA Skyla. CML Please? Thank you.
  2. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Absol Prime is just something to pick up, And I need English Darkrai's. What all EX's do you have, reg and FA?
  3. numberonewill

    Updated Haves! W: EX Keldeo, H: FA Skyla, FA Virizion, FA Thundurus, Pokemon Catchers, etc.;

    RE: W: EX Keldeo, H: FA Skyla, FA Virizion, FA Thundurus, Pokemon Catchers, etc.; Hey there, and welcome to Pokebeach. I hope you have a good experience while on the forums. Is there any way you can CML [see my list, link in signature] for the pokemon catchers please. Thank you.
  4. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. thats fine. Can you find something else for Absol ex and Absol Prime if you still have them?
  5. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Do you have any Latias DV Stamped?
  6. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Nothing else really catches my eye.
  7. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. I dont see much else. Im sorry. Any FA Darkrais? Small wants are 1x RH Garchomp Mach Cut 1x Base Set Revive 3x Aquaropolos Energy Switch 1x SR Golurk 1x Arcanine ex 1x Blane's Arcanine xx EX Emerald Energies Any FA...
  8. numberonewill

    I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

    RE: Want Skyla FA and Bianca FA I do. But i would prefer to trade it towards FA Darkrais.
  9. numberonewill

    I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

    RE: Want Skyla FA and Bianca FA Hey can youcml for the SR Golurk please. Thank you Note: currently do not have any of your wants.
  10. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Yes, that one. Do you have anything unlisted of interest? EX's or SR's?
  11. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. I do like your auto deal if its still available.
  12. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. I dont have any myself, but ill swing by my league on thursday and see if i can pick some up. I like your Auto deal somewhat. but Im interested in 1x FA Bianca 1x Garchomp (mach cut, 1 RH) 1x Computer Search...
  13. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! well from your wants i have: 1 FA Skyla 1 Foil Aspertia City Gym 1 FA Cheren 1 Shiny Golurk 1 Shiny Zoroark Most FA EX's If any of that isnt to your liking than thanks for your time.
  14. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. yes they are.
  15. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. just league promo's to spare. thats it.
  16. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! I am in need of the 3x FA Darkrais, is there anything on my list that i can trade for them?
  17. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. No Holon stuff, I started in HGSS but I have 21x Lightening 16x fighting 8x water 15x grass 15 fire 12x psychic no darks or steels, and i would prefer to use the skyla to get darkrais.
  18. numberonewill

    TPO3, lol I just saw it. I know i was missing some so i was going through pms to see if i could...

    TPO3, lol I just saw it. I know i was missing some so i was going through pms to see if i could figure out who it was. my apologies.
  19. numberonewill

    list is going through some changes *not updated*

    RE: simple trade list. Looking for deck NEEDS. anything else besides dusknoir?
  20. numberonewill

    feedback please.

    feedback please.