Search results

  1. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Colress, Hypno Laser, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! 5 Special Rate Legend pieces 500pts 1 Prime 40 pts 1 LV X 80pts 2 Legend Pieces 140pts 26 Holo Rare 208pts 53 RH Rare 424 pts 113 Non Holo Rare 226pts 99 RH C/UC 396pts Thats 2014pts. Which leaves 5386pts left...
  2. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Colress, Hypno Laser, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! its about 4500-5000 commons/uncommons, 200-300 Rare/RH common,uncommon/RH rare/Holo Rare. 10 legend pieces [5 RDL], 1 prime.
  3. numberonewill

    H: Complete LEGEND Sets! COL Shinies! W: NVI/NXD/DEX!!

    RE: W: HO-OH EX FA + LV X'S!! H: TERRAKION FA NVI, NEW EX'S, WOTC HOLOS, BULK I can do the Shaymin if you add in the RH blend. LMK. thanks.
  4. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Colress, Hypno Laser, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! well i want what is listed. and im positive i have the bulk for it, so do you want to go ahead and confirm?
  5. numberonewill

    I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

    RE: Want: Stuff Have Plasma Storm and Prof. Stamped Juniper done. shoot me a pm to confirm.
  6. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Colress, Hypno Laser, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! well now i want these lol. Is there any specific bulk you want? FA (not ex): Colress [2200] N (1600) Meta T/S/S: Pokemon Catcher x3 (1000) [3000] Hypnotoxic Laser [600]
  7. numberonewill

    I'm back. Have Garchomp EX and other FAs.

    RE: Want: Stuff Have Plasma Storm and Prof. Stamped Juniper Have these from your wants [unlisted] 1x Skyla FA (English preferred but I do want different languages of it) 3x Ultra Ball Can you cml for the following? 1 Mewtwo EX FA 1 Lugia EX (make offers, i'm not in a hurry to get rid of...
  8. numberonewill

    Danielthebrave awesome trade thread! Got Plasma Storm, Heatran Ex/Ex FA, Latios Ex FA, and more!

    RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more! Skipped then.
  9. numberonewill

    Danielthebrave awesome trade thread! Got Plasma Storm, Heatran Ex/Ex FA, Latios Ex FA, and more!

    RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more! I wasnt chasing the terrak..
  10. numberonewill

    H: Complete LEGEND Sets! COL Shinies! W: NVI/NXD/DEX!!

    RE: W: HO-OH EX FA + LV X'S!! H: TERRAKION FA NVI, NEW EX'S, WOTC HOLOS, BULK mainly just the terrak and scyther, was there anything besides the groudon?
  11. numberonewill

    Danielthebrave awesome trade thread! Got Plasma Storm, Heatran Ex/Ex FA, Latios Ex FA, and more!

    RE: Danielthebrave's awesome trade thread! Got FA Landy ex and more! cml for landy fa? thank you.
  12. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Supporters, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! Mewtwo ex FA (2400) FA (not ex): Skyla (2000) Bianca (1600) N (1600) Meta T/S/S: Pokemon Catcher x3 (1000) Max Potion x6 (350) N x4 DEX (150) Professor Juniper x4 DEX (100) Ultra Ball x3 (200) im interested in these...
  13. numberonewill

    H: Complete LEGEND Sets! COL Shinies! W: NVI/NXD/DEX!!

    RE: H: TERRAKION FA NVI, WHITE KYUREM REGISTEEL EX, WOTC HOLOS, BULK / W: HO-OH EX FA + BC FA EX'S!! Lol im sorry, i miss listed the ho oh. Its only a regular, not full art.
  14. numberonewill

    H: Complete LEGEND Sets! COL Shinies! W: NVI/NXD/DEX!!

    RE: H: TERRAKION FA NVI, WHITE KYUREM REGISTEEL EX, WOTC HOLOS, BULK / W: HO-OH EX FA + BC FA EX'S!! Hey can you cml for rockets scyther, rh ninetails, rh blend gfpd, and fa terrakion nvi please. Thank you.
  15. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. DK why u wanted it posted.. but thats exactly what we agreed on. Continue pming to confirm.
  16. numberonewill

    Bo$$'s Crap

    RE: Need Promos! I suppose cml for 2x blastoise and FA bianca please. Thank you.
  17. numberonewill

    H: JPN FAs and Shinies! ENG. FAs and EXS! 4 Catcher! W: PLF

    RE: H: Plasma Storm FAs, Shiny Charizard! Other EXs! I suppose cml for the FA Artucino please.
  18. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Bumpage
  19. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Supporters, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! lord its alot of counting. and my friend has more at his house. Imma getting together with him today, we'll figure out what we want and them start adding it up. lol.
  20. numberonewill

    W: BULK! H: Virizion ex, Genesect ex, All PF Shinies!

    RE: Trading Landorus ex, FA Supporters, Catchers, Max Potions for Bulk! lol about time. Ive collected and collected bulk for two months