Search results

  1. cole'a

    Raichu Prime

    I would consider running lanturn prime, to cover weakness. Other than that it looks like a cool idea :D
  2. cole'a

    Pokemon Center (HB 51/52)

    RE: Pokemon Center (?/?) Note to self, add lunatone + solrock to mandibuzz/kingdra deck
  3. cole'a

    Pokemon Communication from Black & White (#99) [6/1]

    Guiding questions: 1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played? - Terrible on it's own, as it's a trainer card :P but it's a GREAT card, definitly worth being played in ANY deck as every deck needs pokemon! And with no Bebe's search...
  4. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    So would you consider a straight kingdra swarm (using floatzel for recovery) an auto-loss to luxchomp? If you drop mespirit's, and keep the lock going to avoid brightlook, and healing breath and play your expert belts smartly surely you could play around it? Will try my best to get the...
  5. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    Sadly, no :( I traded both my donphans as I used to run kingphan. I might be able to get a 2-2 line before Saturday though. I know I can get them on the morning of... I would run vilegar, but I know there isn't alot of meta decks. And there is a low trainer count in alot of decks...which can...
  6. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    Right, will time to revive this thread since nationals is 2 days away for me (down in NZ) Event:Nationals Division:Masters Metagame:Most people have non meta decks, but there will be 6 or so people who can make Luxchomp, LostGar, Definitly going to be A G-dos, possibly vilegar, definitly a...
  7. cole'a

    What will people run after the rotation?

    Oh lostgar :) I will be running this at some point to :D Have always been a fan of gengar, Vilegar was my first decent competitive deck, so lostgar will be my only option to continue my gengar fandom, I get a Triumphant box for my birthday in 15 days, so fingers crossed i luck out and get like...
  8. cole'a

    what booster pack should i get?

    ^ I would have to second either HGSS or HS:Triumphant Lots of primes, and important T/S/S Staples in both sets
  9. cole'a

    What will people run after the rotation?

    Kingbuzz is my current HGSS-On deck I have a blastgatr built aswell :) So thoes are going to be my 2 decks to start next season with, finally got a 2-2 RDL so am hoping to make a deck based around RDL, this deck will mainly be for funplay though (unless it turns out to be like super godlike...
  10. cole'a

    lol good fast snipe hgss on

    I still think Kingdra Prime is better combo with mandibuzz and since your already running dark pokemon, you can use Absol prime as a starter :) that way whenever they bench a basic, they have to add damage for your mandibuzz to snipe. Kingdra can spraysplash other pokemon later on to be able to...
  11. cole'a

    Victory medal

    No, the store who organised the battleroads I won is quite new, and only became official and known to POP 2-3 weeks before the BR the held. So they don't have any of the usual league merch that leagues normally have (Promo's, Victory Medals e.t.c) TBH if they can't sort it and get the...
  12. cole'a

    Gyarados wins a Battle Roads???

    Nice mate :) LOL @ ur round 2 prizes! Got to be the worst prizes you could have hahaha!
  13. cole'a

    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    RE: BW Update! (H) 2 LUXRAY GL LvX (W)COLLECTION WANTS!!! Please read my rules first! I want your Luxray lvl X (english) I have from you wants list Steelix Prime Lanturn Prime Sorry, I don't know card values e.t.c very well, is this enough for the luxray?
  14. cole'a

    Victory medal

    I want one so bad :( anyone selling one? I have won a battle roads and I want a darn victory medal in my collection folder to say so! Even if I have to buy one, atleast I won the event that qualifys you to earn one. Does anyone have any contact details at all for anyone who might be able to...
  15. cole'a

    Kingdra swarms battleroads

    Well I went to my second battleroads yesterday. I having been running sablock alot lately. But I didnt wanna run SP at my BR's as I was getting bored of it =/ wanted a speed/swarm deck :) I decided on Kingdra Swarm (3prime 1la kingdra) with Floatzel GL-X for recovery So I built the deck on...
  16. cole'a

    Any grass synergy here? (HGSS on)

    I used to run 4-2-4 Torterra 2-2-2 Serperior (both Ability) 2-2 Sunflora 1-1 Metapod 2 Uxie 1 Azelf I tried tropius but I found it not that great as a started and just ran with whatever I got in my start hand. I really really liked it as a deck as with e-belt torterra hit for 60 healing...
  17. cole'a

    New twist to typical Blastgatr

    I was actually talking to someone at my local battleroads about this the weekend just been. I think it's a good idea, but it's about the same difficutly if not worse to setup as blastoise, and it gives them 2 prizes if they kill it...It has 2 weakness's instead of 1...It just dosen't seem as...
  18. cole'a

    Playability of Kingdra prime/Mandibuzz in the next format?

    This is my new deck for the next format I run Kingdra Prime/Mandibuzz/Zoroark Am considering teching in Absol prime now (just got a TR box aswell) and trying this for a few games But I really like this deck, my current fav HGSS-on deck
  19. cole'a

    Victory medal

    Hi all, just wondering if anyone can give me a link of someone from pokemon to contact about victory medals for winning battle roads ? our local place organised one, it was a bit last minute but it was on the pokemon website as a sanctioned event. They took our POP Id's e.t.c so it was all...
  20. cole'a

    Donphan Partner

    Kingdra Prime? Make Kingphan! I played this combo for awhile and found it alot of fun. Both 1 energy attackers and both can setup fast! (Wasn't abnormal to have 1x Donphan prime, 1x Kingdra prime setup t2) If you don't go with the kingdra, I would say go machamp as you can abuse fighting tag...