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  1. DrGunther

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Round 6: DrGunther vs ae2 DrGunther won 2-0 Games completed 7:30-7:55PM CST Good games @ae2 !
  2. DrGunther

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Round 3 DrGunther vs @wojtek.b DrGunther won match 1, and wojtek.b conceded to DrGunther in match 2 Games completed 7-7:25PM CST Thanks friend for the fun!
  3. DrGunther

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    @Ntanel , CJMan20's PTCGO username is incorrect on Challonge. The last character should be an 'o' (letter) not '0' (zero).
  4. DrGunther

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    @TheUltimateAbsol , please change your account privacy settings so that I can PM you, or please PM me to set up our match.
  5. DrGunther

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    (1) Central Time Zone (UTC-6:00) (2) with some random exceptions, mostly any time, any day. I do have a trip 2/12 PM - 2/15, but will have time & internet available. Before 11PM Central preferred. (3) DrYoga (4) Friday, Feb 5 in the evening (still waiting on some trades) (5) yes, premium member...