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  1. cole'a

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Ok, got 6 Triumphant boosters today (have almost finished set only need few more commons) Have only opened 3 packs so far Machamp Prime (so happy about this one) x2 Rescue Energy (1 reverse hollow) Have 3 more packs which I am saving for after...
  2. cole'a

    Gengar / machamp

    I was running straight gengar, but lastnight at my local traded everything I needed to run straight Vilegar, So I will be running that now :D Also watched a vilegar beat a t-tar prime deck that same night So I think I will stick with straight Vilegar, I have seen it beat t-tar so I know I...
  3. cole'a

    Grass Tank Ideas

    I run your third option torterra, and have recently just added in the SF torterra and shaymin lvl X Its a great deck, but add some cherubi / cherrim in aswell these sit on your bench and remove 1 dmg counter a turn I normally have X1 Torterra active X1 Shaymin X on bench (+40hp) X2...
  4. cole'a

    Blastoise deck (Masters, States)

    I personally would take out your bronzong line which gives 2 more spaces change floatzel to 2 - 2 and make it floatzel GL X line Take out the crowbat G, and dawn stadium and add a 2 / 2 / 2 feraligator prime, that's how I have always run my blastgatr deck (have tried normal floatzel) and I...
  5. cole'a

    Gengar / machamp

    anything? anyone? no ideas? thoughts ?
  6. cole'a

    Gengar / machamp

    So how well would this combo work? I love gengar and love running cursegar or vilegar :) but lately in my local area alot of people run tyranitar prime decks...and my gengar's don't like that at all! My current deck I'm running which is a temp deck while I get some vileplums, poke collectors...
  7. cole'a

    Torterra Tank/Regen

    Allright, well I have made the changes posted above with the redshark decklist! Can't play any games untill sunday morning @ my local, so will see how it goes and let you all know :D Had to proxy the shaymin, and bts's and poke collectors but don't think anyone will mind! not like it's a...
  8. cole'a

    Torterra Tank/Regen

    Thanks for the overhaul :D looks good ;) Yeah I like your healing idea, I have been looking my ass off for a shaymin level X but it's hard to find one down here in little old new zealand, but I am going to be buying a platinum box soon hopefully, so might get some luck with that! Other than...
  9. cole'a

    Torterra Tank/Regen

    Any thoughts on how to tackle Tyranitar Prime? This deck was beating 70% of the decks in my area, almost took down a scizor prime deck with it :D but tyranitar prime deck my friend was running just hits for to much damage, can't regen fast enough (giga drain only does 60 with e-belt and...
  10. cole'a

    Torterra Tank/Regen

    Bump Any help at all, I know its a pretty noob deck but I don't want to split it up couse it was my first and I want to make it abit stronger, a 2nd attacker would be nice, any ideas on what to use ?
  11. cole'a

    Torterra Tank/Regen

    Hello all, this is my first deck posting here :S have read all the rules so hopefully I can get this right! This was the first deck I ever built with the help of a good friend. I used it to play while I traded and built up my cursegar / blastgatr decks and now I want to re-vamp it! can't pull it...
  12. cole'a

    wash out (Blastoise/Floatzel) (seniors,states)

    Yeah I used to run a blastgatr, was my first deck. Really noob friendly and easy to run Originally I started out with Blastoise / Floatzel. Then got a lucky booster pull and got my first feraligatr prime and put that in instead. Now I run 2 feral prime, and 3 blastoise works well for me but I...
  13. cole'a

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Cool well this is my first post on these forums lol! being a long time viewer! now a poster finally So :) my first story is me and a mate went halfs on a Unleashed booster box so 18 packs each :) my mate opened his 18 packs without me there and said...