Search results

  1. numberonewill

    feedback please.

    feedback please.
  2. numberonewill

    Feedback please.

    Feedback please.
  3. numberonewill

    list is going through some changes *not updated*

    RE: simple trade list. Looking for deck NEEDS. I have a crystal Wall?
  4. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. I want 15 of each color. I have 4x Fighting 2x Water 1x Psychic 2x Lightening 4x Grass And values depend, are you wanting the energy deal or are you looking for something else, My teammate said to pick them up at $2-$3.
  5. numberonewill

    list is going through some changes *not updated*

    RE: simple trade list. Looking for deck NEEDS. Im still needing the RH Garchomp and RH Emolga, I quit building ray eels. Also Im looking for 4x Juniper DEX and 4x N DEX
  6. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! what about FA Darkrai and Shiny Golurk, do you have those available?
  7. numberonewill

    H: JPN FAs and Shinies! ENG. FAs and EXS! 4 Catcher! W: PLF

    RE: H: JPN BW8, FA and Reg. Keldeo-EXs, tons of FAs and EXs! W: FA Skyla! I am interested in your two Keldeo's, and an arcanine ex if you have it. can you cml for them please? thank you.
  8. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. FA white Kyurem is gone.
  9. numberonewill

    DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla, Keldeo EX, Landorus EX & Computer Search

    RE: DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla, Landorus EX, & Computer Search aww, im really needing them terribly, are there any other energies that you like outside of those, i would really like to have them, also, i have 3 full sets and 4 pieces.
  10. numberonewill

    DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla, Keldeo EX, Landorus EX & Computer Search

    RE: DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla and Computer Search do you have any ex emerald energy?
  11. numberonewill

    DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla, Keldeo EX, Landorus EX & Computer Search

    RE: DeepSleepDarkrai's Trading Corner: H FA Skyla and Computer Search I have some legend pieces and sets, can you tell me your values on them please?
  12. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! Lol i know its like that sometimes. If u can talk him/her out of it id greatly appreciate it. Like i said i need it terribly for regionals. And along with the shiny ray id be willing to go over on my end with some things.
  13. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! aww bummer, I really hope you can, and Virginia hopefully. Lmk your values.
  14. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! Out of what you listed the following are available 2x Groudon EX FA 2x Entei EX FA 1x Kyurem EX FA 1x White Kyurem EX FA [this is Black now, made a swap at league today] 1x Registeel EX FA The rest are either deck material and/or Traded. I need your values on...
  15. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! if possible can you cml for them please. I dont have much, I do have a Black Kyurem EX FA unlisted, and possibly some ultra balls. I also can give you used ultra pro sleeves 100 count [not heavily played, only slightly played.
  16. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! are they for trade? or only as a set?
  17. numberonewill

    New haves and wants! :3 Now have Prof. Prof. Junipers!

    RE: I'm back. Updated trade list! If you have complete sets of BW-BC do you have a FA Ray and Shiny Ray?
  18. numberonewill

    Trades Ira’s list *Updated 09/15/13

    RE: EOD's list *Updated 01/10/13 Looking for Pokemon Anime In need of the FA Rayquaza and to a lesser extent FA Darkrai, could you please CML for either. Thank you.
  19. numberonewill

    list is going through some changes *not updated*

    RE: UPDATE! Simple Trade List. Idk if its too early or not but any word yet?
  20. numberonewill

    Will's One Stop Trade Shop. No wants, trading just to trade.

    RE: Will's One Stop Trade Shop. Binder Jacked. Trying to bounce back. Yeah thats fine. Which krooks do you need? Ill have to see if i have them but i should.