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  1. Zapydos2

    Finished Pokemon Guess Who!

    RE: Pokemon Guess Who! * Guess the pokemon or video game, and see if you are right!* Regigigas?
  2. Zapydos2

    Finished Gender Race: Boys 1 Girls 0 (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Gender Race (You-person-person-you) 561 :P
  3. Zapydos2

    What was the CRAZIEST moment of your day?

    Being jolted awake by my phone vibrating on a metal desk. It was the highlight of my day. XD
  4. Zapydos2

    Stupid things you have done

    A week ago I turned on the wrong burner on the stove and touched it thinking it was off. I still can barely feel with those two fingers.
  5. Zapydos2

    what is your favorite drink?

    Orange juice, milk, root beer, and water.
  6. Zapydos2

    The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

    2012 is just another Y2K. The power didn't go out forever and the earth won't end. Heck there's at least a few billion years left. I see it as an excuse for the Mayans to have a huge party, if the Spanish didn't take over.
  7. Zapydos2

    Snow and every thing about it.

    The snow that accumulates here has been melting lately. I guess it doesn't help when its above freezing most of the time. A cold front is supposed to pass tonight and make all the rain on the ground into ice. Not fun at all. D: I miss Wisconsin weather where it's below zero there right now...
  8. Zapydos2

    Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

    Don't force yourself into a relationship, especially at your age. Heck, I'm a 19 year old college student and never was in a relationship. (loseroftheadultworld) I watched many go into relationships only to see them either get pregnant or get horribly hurt emotionally and/or physically...
  9. Zapydos2

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! Which is why I'm wondering why the creators would make such an unusal pair for breeding. It doesn't make sense and of course a lot in the game doesn't make sense.
  10. Zapydos2

    Finished Gender Race: Boys 1 Girls 0 (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Gender Race (You-person-person-you) 501...
  11. Zapydos2

    Pokemon What new Pokémon would you want for Gen 5?

    There needs to be more unique dual types like fire/electric, psychic/electric, or more electric pokemon with better stats. I'd like to have a huge variety.
  12. Zapydos2

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! What about Skitty and Wailord? Those two can breed.
  13. Zapydos2

    Pokemon Pokemon Forever?

    My family members still bother me about it. I just shrug them off or say so what.