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  1. E

    The Official Garchomp Dragons Exalted Discussion Thread

    I agree with this. If you're opponent hit's a T2 Darkrai EX, gets more than one Hydregion out and KO's an Altaria, you're done. Max Potion kills Garchomp and not hitting for at least 100 a turn hurts bad. If Darkrai has an Eviolite, you're gonna end up 3HKOing them, and after the second hit...
  2. E

    Will Zekeels see a decrease in viability once the BW-on format is in play?

    Taking out the Eels is the best thing for DarkRegion. If you start with the Dark Deino, and they have a active Tynamo, T2 Darkrai cripples them, and usually wins you the game. But on the same token, if you get two Eels and a Raikou EX or a Zekrom EX, then all you have to do is take out thier...
  3. E

    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    Yeah, I ran acrossed a deck with Enhanced Hammer and one got discarded, but I still got Giratina built, Though I only attacked to KO Sigilyph.
  4. E

    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    I'm still doing some testing on Giratina vs. Shaymin. Shaymin is only good for Terrakion, he's too fragile for much else, especially with Tool Scrapper around, and I've already explained Giratina's uses. The Garchomp matchup relies on Darkrai, if I can stream Darkrai's and Max Potion, I can get...
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    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    Shred goes through Safegaurd.
  6. E

    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    Yes, that's why I have Safeguard in Parenthesis.:P
  7. E

    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    I am not dropping Random Receiver for Catchers, Random Receiver is way too important. And after four games of play-testing, I decided to go with Cheren, yes you normally would choose Bianca, but I never had a hand below 3, except that one N late-game, but by then I had already been set up. I...
  8. E

    Darkrai EX/Hydregion

    After my Pre-Release, I found that I had enough cards to make HydraDark, so I decided to make it. Having some decision making problems with Shaymin EX or Giratina EX, and Bianca or Cheren. Pokemon: 14 3-1-3 Hydreigon (NV Dieno, rest is Dragon line) 3 Darkrai EX 1 Shaymin EX or Giratina EX...
  9. E

    ChariBoar (Charizard/Emboar deck)

    Haha, as soon as I posted my last post, I thought about that.xD
  10. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    I think we'll get a normal version in FreezeBolt/ColdFlare, or as the only non-EX tin of that set but that's just me.
  11. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    There will, most definitly. Within the year there at least be a promo.
  12. E

    ChariBoar (Charizard/Emboar deck)

    Yea, and Empoleonwith a full field does 120, so you'll be fine.
  13. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Yea, but when Rayquaza Donks you're tynamos, gabites and Swablu's, it doesn't really matter late game.:P Plus He can take Hydregion's out easily and quickly.
  14. E

    ChariBoar (Charizard/Emboar deck)

    Oh most definitely, but you should have a Eviolite or Cloak attached if you do, then they shouldn't be able to OHKO you.
  15. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Even with DCE, Rayquaza is still easier to build up, I need a basic energy, rather than a special one, and I can search for mine. There are several people at my league that are testing B&W-On Zekeels with Terrakion and Energy search, and it works with no problems. I would use two Energy, Two...
  16. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Since Darkrai EX came out pretty much.
  17. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    Not really, a good list will still be consistant, I just like Rayquaza more because he's less situational, you can Donk, counter, and drop for 90 easily. Where as Terrakion, you have to have someone get KO'd for him to work effectivly, he can't Donk and he has to have two energy that only he can...
  18. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    The fact that you had to bring Mewtwo EX into this proves that you know you lost that arguement...Of course Mewtwo is an amazing choice for the match-up, but if you don't OHKO Terrakion (4-5 Energy needed), then the Prize trade is equal. You said soley on Lightning Energy, you just made all...
  19. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    A: I meant that as a Terrakion vs. Zekrom EX/Rayquaza match-up. You said Zekrom EX can do everything Rayquaza can, and is more consistant, well, if you run against a deck, doesn't have to be ZekEels, that has Terrakion, I ould rather have Rayquaza than Zekrom EX, that it what I was saying. B...
  20. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    And it also gives up two prizes to Terrakion, unlike Rayquaza. It's also harder to set up, since I can use energy search for my Fire energy.