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  1. Eltyr

    Discussion Expectations for Forbidden Light

    So, we all expect new cards, all discuss which ones are gonna be good and what will be valuable. Very interesting to me was the fact that, with the last set, everyone expected a lot from things like magnezone, while Weavile got under the radar, noticed mainly by very good players, and...
  2. Eltyr

    Standard Zoroark GX/Gardevoir GX - NO LELE

    Unfortunately League Cups are pretty competitive so be prepared to be punished for missing cards.
  3. Eltyr

    Standard Zoroark GX/Gardevoir GX - NO LELE

    Then you better pump up that Brigette count.
  4. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario/Zoroark for Regionals

    As quick reference, I think the 3-2 split for the fighting energies is perfect, since you have 3 Strong for the 170 hit on lele and 2 basic to fight against mill. If you wanna get more chances of fighting energies you can get a 4th Strong or an energy loto, depends on the specific list. I run a...
  5. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario/Zoroark for Regionals

    You can't play a Parallel City on your opponent's City.
  6. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario/Zoroark for Regionals

    Buzzwole shuts down Zoroark decks even more and gets the numbers straight for Lucario's KOs, like on Lycanroc, and if it has Vigor Energy or Choice Band on even on 210 hp Pokémons.
  7. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario/Zoroark for Regionals

    Buzzwole now runs a lot with Garbodor so Mew isn't really gonna help you there with only 2 field blowers.
  8. Eltyr

    Discussion Puzzle of time

    Hate coin flip cards and skyla defeats the purpose since I mainly get acerolas or guzmas, trying with a 3-3 atm I'll see if it works.
  9. Eltyr

    Discussion Puzzle of time

    You think playing Puzzle of time with a 3-2 Zoroark line is pushing your luck?
  10. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario GX Deck Shell

    It'd get synergy with the Octillery as I'd play the brooklet hills and suffer much less from parallel city, but since it's a type of deck that keeps resources in hand I fear to get stuck with acerolas, guzmas and enhanched hammers and not being able to draw.
  11. Eltyr

    Standard Updated Zoroark-GX/Lucario-GX List

    Dude I feel you, tested today against Garbodor Buzzwole and bricked enough to build a city. It's really more harsh a match up since it runs a thicker Carbink line and if yu brick a little it leaves you far behind, compared to the Lycanroc variant. I have the same opinion about the rescue...
  12. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario GX Deck Shell

    Tried the deck online with Octillery, but the card draw isn't nearly as good since I tend to keep cards in hand, like Guzma and Acerola, so i changed slightly the list. Pokémon (18): 4x Zorua 3x Zoroark GX 4x Riolu 3x Lucario GX 2x Buzzwole GX 2x Tapu Lele GX Supporters (15): 3x Cynthia 2x N...
  13. Eltyr

    Standard Ultra Squids (Ultra Necrozma/Malamar)

    Don't think you'll need that many ultra balls with the mystery treasure.
  14. Eltyr

    Standard Lucario GX Deck Shell

    So, me being shitty at making new decks of this kind and wanting to try it at a league cup, I'll leave here the shell of the deck. The idea is that I hate super scoop up and in the tests I did I never actually used Devolution Spray since the deck being pretty different from the others I see...
  15. Eltyr

    Standard Zoroark-GX/Lucario-GX

    My dude since you play puzzles I think a devolution spray may come in handy, also i'd cut one guzma. Cut one double colorless for a fight I'd say, you wanna attack with Lucario most of the time anyway. I'd also say 1 energy lotto or 1 special charge.
  16. Eltyr

    Help When will we able to play Lucario-GX In tournaments?

    I remember new cards are playable the third wednesday or third friday of the month, refresh my mind.
  17. Eltyr

    Help Is this MEW EX Fake? (Radiant Collection)

    Was taken aback by that and the fact that i saw a lot of shinyiness (??? I mean the dots on the background) in photos ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now I feel stupid because I didn't see it and I just had to put it in front of lights.
  18. Eltyr

    Help Is this MEW EX Fake? (Radiant Collection)

    So, I just bought a Mew EX from Radiant Collection. Sorry if I can't post photos now, will do later if needed. Point is, it seems slightly less thick than other cards (but I might be wrong), and main of all it has no texture on the front. Now, am I just an uncultured swine that doesn't know the...
  19. Eltyr

    Help Zoroark/Weavile, Adam Hawkins list and the reason behind his damage boosts

    Sup. I've taken a liking to Adam Hawkins' winning list at Malmo regionals: Only thing is: what exactly do I hit with Kukui and Devoured field? Apart from the obvious lele with Kukui and Zoroark GX+Choice band, can't seem to wrap my head adound what exactly...
  20. Eltyr

    'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

    3 counters come one dudes you could have done better.