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  1. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Most of the scenarios I described consider using the brigette and having the eevee/wimpod active. Second part in my point exactly, in case I didn't make it clear.
  2. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Sometimes the 10% is the correct one.
  3. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    People debate over things, me stating things is not exactly being aggressive. You said you won't start with eevee every game, I gave you what I think are pretty precise probabilities of the ideal turn and eevee being active happening (math is not an opinion so it's not about ''working as well as...
  4. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Clearly the title is not ''does Leafeon have the tier 0 spot in the meta'', so I really don't get all the people who argument the post saying it's not a monster of a card. The ability is rarely if even used, the attack is cluncky and really costly, the GX is good to set up, as you yourself...
  5. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Yup, currently testing if it's worth to have 2 Nest Balls in.
  6. Eltyr

    Standard Prospector PewPew (Alolan Dugtrio/Starmie)

    It would have been exactly the same if that rod was an energy retrieval (and in case you had even one energy in the deck, having the rod would have wasted an energy.
  7. Eltyr

    Standard Prospector PewPew (Alolan Dugtrio/Starmie)

    -2 Super Rod +1 Energy Retrieval +1 Rescue stretcher Since you don't really need to shuffle energy in the deck.
  8. Eltyr

    Standard Advice for my Buzzwole/Lycanroc?

    Brigette and Sycamore in Italian.
  9. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    I can already taste the saltiness at the next league cup.
  10. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Tested this against a Dugtrio and Buzzwole decks, works decent but could do better with more focus on the Golisopod (Picking off a buzzwole with first impression was an emotional moment)
  11. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    You're the one that started the conversation about the pairing being competitive in the first place, didn't even state my opinion.
  12. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    Well, Wimpod ability is pretty good for the deck, and first impression would be nice to get easy KO without charging 3 energies, but I would keep it as a secondary attacker. Anyway I wouldn't focus too much on the promo Lurantis since they are easy to knock out and you need the gx to accelerate...
  13. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    What am I overhyping?
  14. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    My man, you really think I don't have it proxied?
  15. Eltyr

    Discussion Does Lurantis/Leafeon have a spot in the meta?

    With Leafeon now you can evolve many Lurantis in one go, put in play both the GX and the promo one that increases damage by 20. Lurantis in the deck means many grass energies, so the chance of a turn 1 leafeon is really high, and it accelerates energy to the bench, so you can get rid of the DCE...
  16. Eltyr

    Standard Garchomp/Lucario Deck Shell

    Because Zoroark in a 1-1 or 2-2 line is becoming a thing, and if you fight a Gardevoir GX you have no way to cut off the Octillery or Gallade without them.
  17. Eltyr

    Help Metagross?

    And is tricky as hell to set up since you use a lot of energy to attack with Dusk Mane and he needs 5 to use the GX. You can try with a monocopy and Ninjaboy.
  18. Eltyr

    Standard Garchomp/Lucario Deck Shell

    Pokémon (19): 1x Gible (The ascension one) 3x Gible (The free retreat one) 3x Gabite 3x Garchomp 3x Riolu 2x Lucario 1x Rockruff 1x Lycanroc GX (Midnight) 2x Tapu Lele GX Supporters (10): 4x Cynthia 2x N 3x Brigette 1x Guzma Items (20): 4x Ultra Ball 2x Evosoda 2x Rare Candy 2x Rescue...
  19. Eltyr

    Discussion Glaceon GX/Kartana GX???

    You're spending 2 turns and 2 energy attachments to deal 70 damage and shuffle the attacker back into the deck. Let's say you're against a Golisopod deck, in an optimal condition you spend 6 turns to get a knock out on anything, 4 on Lele if you get a choiche band, so let's say 16 turns in the...