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  1. Cobrafilms

    Discussion Turbodark Post-Rotation

    Garbodor won't be nearly as strong next season due to the loss of VS Seeker, and will be played much less. If any Garbodor will be played, It'll be the BKP one (With the ability lock.) Regarding the original post, I think TurboDark will make a comeback next season. It gets a huge buff with...
  2. Cobrafilms

    Help Rough Seas is Out! 2018 Season Rotation Troubles

    What exactly is, "Shining Legends," and when does it come out?
  3. Cobrafilms

    Discussion Trash Talk: Garbodor's Role Post-Rotation

    I think that Garbodor GRI will fall off the competitive scene. This isn't to say it won't be good; just not seen in every T-8 around the country. Like you mentioned, with the loss of VS Seeker, we will have to play thicker supporter lines and less items. Obviously, less items = less damage. It...
  4. Cobrafilms

    Alt. Format Post Rotation: Tapu Koko-GX Deck

    They're already starting to increase in price since rotation was announced. They're like $43 for the regular art right now. So glad I pulled my 2.
  5. Cobrafilms

    Help Greninja BREAK 2017-2018 Rotation

    1-of supporters are still viable with Tapu Lele. Most decks will be running 3.
  6. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation: Breakthrough On!!

    Shaymin is better in a up-tempo deck like Vespiquen. However, with the release of guardians rising, the format has become much slower due to Garbodor. This makes Tapu Lele better in most decks.
  7. Cobrafilms

    Alt. Format Post Rotation: Tapu Koko-GX Deck

    Actually, rethinking this, I like baby Koko in this deck. lol sorry xD
  8. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation: Breakthrough On!!

    I have mixed feelings about DDE. I really want dragon types to make a comeback, but I DON'T want Noivern GX to be good.
  9. Cobrafilms

    Alt. Format Post Rotation: Tapu Koko-GX Deck

    Hi! I've been testing with Tapu Koko, and I feel it has potential in the next format. (BKT-on) However, I think your list lacks consistency and other attackers. Knowing that next rotation will be BKT-on, this was announced today, I would try these changes to your list to add consistency. -3...
  10. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation: Breakthrough On!!

    Link please. Nevermind, found it
  11. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    Yeah, in 13-14 months..
  12. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    No, early August.
  13. Cobrafilms

    Help Deck Building Advice for a Young Newbie

    Yes Also, don't invest in Shaymins, they're rotating out. Volcanions are only ~2 USD and so are Turtonators.
  14. Cobrafilms

    Discussion Reshiram from Shining Legends

    Reshiram just doesn't seem good to me. It only has 130 HP, so Outrage can only hit for 190 at the most optimal situation possible. (Choice Band + Kukui) Also, Ho-oh seems like a waste as it's GX attack isn't good unless your dropping stage 2s on the bench. If you were to do anything with...
  15. Cobrafilms

    Discussion Best Snipe Pokemon?

    Decidueye / Ninetales
  16. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    Ok. Let's have a bet. I'll put $100 on BKT-on.
  17. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    EVO-on isn't happening. This is rotating too many sets, and would set up Burning Shadows to be rotated in August of 2018.. this isn't happening. BKT-on.
  18. Cobrafilms

    Help Deck Building Advice for a Young Newbie

    The next format will most likely [98%] be BKT-on. This leaves float stone in play. Also, Olympia is in Generations, so there's no way that she's rotating. Volcanion will be a top deck next format.
  19. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    I don't count Promos as a set. It would be 4 sets, which just isn't enough. A BKT-on format would leave all breaks in the game and have them all rotated at once, while rotating out the average amount. This would also set up the 2019 rotation to be SM-on, while still rotating the average amount.
  20. Cobrafilms

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    Nothing is confirmed yet. Although, this seems incredibly likely given previous statistics.