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  1. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    So every list that has Terrakion NV doesn't need it to counter Darkrai and the mirror? I think that Rayquaza is a great card for Eels, it can be easily dropped to hit Garchomps, Altaria's and Hydregion's, which will most likely be played a lot, Eviolite or Large Cloak him, and you can 2HKO...
  2. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    I'm sorry, but I can't believe you of all people asked that...What do you think Terrakion is?
  3. E

    Will Raquaza replace Terrakion in ZekEels?

    So, now that it is garunteed that Rayquaza (regular) is going to be in the next set, do you think it will replace Terrakion as the Meta counter? Here are the scans:
  4. E

    ChariBoar (Charizard/Emboar deck)

    That's hen YOU drop more and OHKO Empoleon.
  5. E

    The New Zekeels?

    To be honest, I think the regular Rayquaza, (if we get it) will end up replacing Terrakion in Zekeels. I mean, it can Donk Garchomp, and it can help 2HKO alot of things, even if Eviolited. Drop him, Double Dynamotor, switch out, and boom, you can do 90 like nothing. It will help you KO that...
  6. E

    Possible Future Deck

    I agree with this, I run a B&W-On deck and I there's nothing I'd rather have to get my Basics than Level Ball, or Ultra Ball for Darkrai and Tornadus. It just depends on your deck and Ball engine to use Emolga, Lapras, Elegym, etc.
  7. E

    A. Darkrai outclasses CMT on many many grounds. B. Rayquaza is a horrible card, it takes too...

    A. Darkrai outclasses CMT on many many grounds. B. Rayquaza is a horrible card, it takes too much to set him up (energy-wise) and he does the same damage that Zekrom does, but gives up two prizes to Garchomp, which can OHKO Ray on T2. Also, if your Fire Energy gets discarded, you're done, that's...
  8. E

    Possible Future Deck

    Yes, that's very true, it does take a lot of your patches, which isn't good late game, where I've found myself low on energy late game cuz it's all in the discard, but I still had enough DCE to build Krookodile up and sweep each time. But here's the thing, if your opponent, or you, drops a...
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    Possible Future Deck

    I run Darkrai with Dark Claw and I've gotten T1 Darkrai a few times. It's not about Consistancy, it's about the right hand.
  10. E

    Possible Future Deck

    Lapras would be much better than Emolga in KelTiose, high HP, same typing, yeah, it has higher retreat, but Keldeo's Ability says Auto Switch.:D So I think Lapras>Emolga
  11. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    It's not that hard, if I use Pokedex with say, 14 energy, that means I have close to a 1 in 4 chance of hitting an energy, well, Pokedex loos at five, so it won't be that hard to find one energy. The Ether engine has been talked about A LOT since the Ether and Lunatune scans leaked. It's not...
  12. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    It's in the same set as Landorus EX, which fits in fine. I know it's unreliable, but I think it could give a big help to Fighting decks.
  13. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    It depends on Terrakion EX. If you have an Ether engine, you can start energy accel Turn two, meaning you don't HAVE to rely on Exp. Shareas much, but yes, Tool Scrapper will be a big part in it.
  14. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    I can OHKO Rattata with ONE Energy. If I go first and you have a lone Rattata, which believe me, won't be uncommon, I auto win.
  15. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    That's what Lunatune and Pokedex are for. You only need to get one energy with Ether, which shouldn't be that hard. Heck you can even use Musharna if you feel like it. My Landy will Donk your Rattata long before that deck beats Quad Landy EX with a decent list.
  16. E

    Quad Landorus EX

    It does have Accelaration, Lunatune/Pokedex/Ether. And that first attack can help soo much against any EX, save Tornadus EX. For one energy you hit for 30 to two people, ether and attach next turn, then dump the energy and on turn two, you've KO'd an EX.:D
  17. E

    Possible Future Deck

    I'm not saying you'll OHKO them, but if you get the turn advantage on the, you can hit with Kyogre, then Glaciate for the KO's, it might not happen every game, but it's not impossible.
  18. E

    Possible Future Deck

    It will do great against Darkrai because you can take down Sableye and Dieno's with ease. And with enough speed, if Kyogre can take at least one hit from an electric Pokemon, you can KO all their Tynamo, meaning you just need to 1-2HKO everything and by the end, they probably took 2-3 prizes...
  19. E

    Entei/Chandelure BW-on

    My past experience with Entei decks, Exp. Share is super important. It means quicker setups and faster KO's. Yes Eviolite is good because of the basic count, but believe me, the quicker setup means they won't have a quick answer to return KO you. Also, since Mewtwo is the only one who uses DCE...
  20. E


    That would not be good in this deck, they won't be under trainer lock, so you can just Escape Rope or Switch out, besides, Accelock isn't good late game, or early game.