Search results

  1. B

    Togekiss PLS/Lugia Ex

    For an attacker maybe Terrakion with Retaliate? Or perhaps Stunfisk? I know you said no ex but the best option would be Landorus EX or Cobalion EX in my opinion.
  2. B

    Giratina / Deoxys / Eeveelutions

    The deck list looks like this so far: -------------------------------- Pokemon Giratina EX x2 Deoxys EX x4 Eevee x4 PF Leafeon x2 PF Espeon x2 PF Absol Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums Colress Machine x3 Computer Search Energy Search Level Ball x2 Pokemon Catcher x3 Random Reciever x2 Colress...