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  1. P

    Poison Drop (Sableye / Yveltal EX / Ninetales / Dragalge)

    RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor) Thanx for the feed back. Ok made some changes based on some suggestions i received. 4 Sableye DEX 1 Darkrai EX 3 Yveltal EX 2 Ninetails PC 1 Dragalge 2 vulpix 1 skrelp Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 3 Battle Compressor 2 Dark patch 1...
  2. P

    Poison Drop (Sableye / Yveltal EX / Ninetales / Dragalge)

    RE: Poison Drop (Sableye / Zoroark / Garbodor) what do yall think?
  3. P

    Poison Drop (Sableye / Yveltal EX / Ninetales / Dragalge)

    Pokemon: 4 Sableye DEX 1 Darkrai EX 3 Yveltal EX 2 Ninetails PRC 2 Vulpix PRC 1 Dragalge FLF 1 Skrelp FLF Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 3 Battle Compressor 2 Dark Patch 1 Dowsing Machine or Life Dew 1 Lysandre's Trump Card 3 Crushing Hammer 2 Enhanced Hammer 2 Team Flare...
  4. P

    Damage Deck (Noivern / Meowtic / Malamar EX)

    Pokemon: 14 3x Noivern (furious fists) 3x Malamar EX 2x Meowtic (flash fire) 2x Sigilyph (Legendary Treasures) 2x Espurr 2x Noibat. Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31 1x Gold Potion 3x Potion 2x Professor's Letter 2x Colress 4x Professor Oak's New Theory 4x Shauna 4x Hypnotoxic Laser 3x Virbank...
  5. P

    New Life Deck (Venusar EX / Serperior / Cherrim)

    I used to use N's until i perfected my poison deck. Then i seen how they can help or not affect a well balance self contained deck. This deck is made to keep you alive so your opponent shouldn't get may prizes.... i do see/ understand the usefulness...Ill sub in a few N's and see if it works...
  6. P

    New Life Deck (Venusar EX / Serperior / Cherrim)

    RE: New Life Deck Thanx for taking the time to reply i like your suggestions: So I too thought about this but opted for the energy because of V'saur and the other attackes having 3 energy cost attacks. Also need throw away energy for Serperior and Cherrim. They are cards to keep on the bench...
  7. P

    New Life Deck (Venusar EX / Serperior / Cherrim)

    So I've just gotten back into pokemon 1 month ago after 15 years and this right here is my 2nd deck called New Life. Feed back please and thank you, letting me know how yall feel about the deck. The card names are link so you can see the version i am using. Pokemon: 18 2 Venusaur EX...