Search results

  1. Jenna573

    News 'Entei, Suicune, Raikou Pin Blisters' Product Image!

    You are absolutely right. Entei is based on a foo dog. Except foo dog is an english term for the imperial chinese gaurdian lion statue. "Shi" translates directly into lion. So by saying you think it looks like a foo dog you are saying that you think it looks like a lion. Those statues you see...
  2. Jenna573

    News 'Entei, Suicune, Raikou Pin Blisters' Product Image!

    They aren't dogs at all, for the record. The 'Legendary Beasts' are designed after a combination of mythical deities and large wild cats. (Entei=Lion, Suicune=Leopard, Raikou=Sabretoothed Tiger) Still not sure why everyone thinks they are dogs.
  3. Jenna573

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    This is great! I was so sad to see Slurpuff rotate, but now we get it back with Comfey! Pretty soon it will be time to dust off my Fairy deck. Can't wait!
  4. Jenna573

    PokeBeach's March 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No, I am not. What is your PTCGO screen name? Jenna573 What timezone do you live in? GMT/UTC-5 (EST) Did you play in February’stournament? Yes. Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in February? Yes.
  5. Jenna573

    PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    Match between myself and Arneboy11 had to be canceled due to unfortunate circumstances on his end leading to him forfeiting.
  6. Jenna573

    Discussion Most Dissapointing TCG Set

    Hmm... You know, I said Base Set 2 was my vote for worst set, but thinking about it, this thread is about the most disappointing set, not just purely garbage set. In order to be disappointed, you have to look forward to something first. Nobody really looked forward to Base Set 2. I personally...
  7. Jenna573

    PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    Round 2: My opponent, @Typhlosion17 responded after 72 hours, and said he was unable to battle, forfeiting the round. @PMJ was alerted and added to conversation with screenshot of forfeiture.
  8. Jenna573

    Discussion Generation 4 Remakes Around the Corner?

    I'm pretty sure I read or heard somewhere that Pokemon Company hates to be predictable and like to switch things up. I do hear about the D/P remake semi-frequently, but not because people specifically want one, but because everyone simply expects one based on the trend of remakes existing...
  9. Jenna573

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    They are a bulk combo package for small businesses to sell pokemon cards to customers and have a decent variety of products without having to buy each one separately or in bulk. They look like this:
  10. Jenna573

    Discussion Full Art Ultra Ball Price

    The prices for successfully sold ebay listings range from 85-100 USD. That being said, there aren't that many since the set hasn't officially been out for more than a day at this point. The pull rates for SM seem to be a lot better than previous expansions, based on some booster box vids I've...
  11. Jenna573

    Discussion Most Dissapointing TCG Set

    Base Set 2. It added absolutely nothing new and was more of a cash-grab for WotC. The cards in this set are worth significantly less than their original counterparts, and you had a huge ugly logo on originally logo-free cards to boot. At least some of the Legendary Collection cards had...
  12. Jenna573

    General What Are You Good At?

    I have a very keen eye for even small details, and as such can be a perfectionist. This extends to my ability to understand a set of guidelines and follow them appropriately. Examples include forum rules, grammar, firearm safety/etiquette, TCG rules and tournament procedures, (I was an official...
  13. Jenna573

    Discussion SUN AND MOON - What's the best card?

    I am hoping wishiwashi will be a hidden gem down the road. My real vote for best overall card is still Professor Kukui since it is a Supporter and you don't even need DCE to make that one work.
  14. Jenna573

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Hopefully it will balance out by the time it evolves into AlolanGolem. Slow start but powerful finish?
  15. Jenna573

    Help Cheapest Decks for a semi-competitive player

    If you are strictly looking to play a combination of low-cost cards in a non-mainstream deck build, I would like to suggest Generations/Radiant Collection Froslass. It uses colorless energy only so it can be added to any deck, it has a very generalized utility attack, and it's ability makes it a...
  16. Jenna573

    Discussion SUN AND MOON - What's the best card?

    Wishiwashi. Just kidding. Seems like a toss-up between Lunala-GX, Decidueye-GX, and Tauros-GX for pokemon, and Professor Kukui is a solid Supporter. The comments so far seem to agree with that. Lunala-GX and Decidueye-GX will still be good but will be hurt by the 2018 rotation. Tauros won't...
  17. Jenna573

    PokeBeach's February 2017 TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No, I am not. What is your PTCGO screen name? Jenna573 What timezone do you live in? GMT/UTC-5 (EST) Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in January? No, because I just joined today, although coincidentally I have already made 3 posts.
  18. Jenna573

    Hi there, and thanks for the welcome, guys!

    Hi there, and thanks for the welcome, guys!
  19. Jenna573

    News 'Sun & Moon Trainer Kit' to Feature Alolan Raichu and Lycanroc!

    Pretty cool, but I am looking forward to the next Battle Arena Decks pack. Those come with many useful cards and aren't just for younger, newer players looking to test the waters. Does anyone have a decklist for this product?
  20. Jenna573

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Really excited for those fun little Oricorio cards! Can't wait!