Search results

  1. Mazo

    PokéBeach's January TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    I won @Gible06 2-1. Really close games. Thanks and good luck for the next games! :) Games were played today GMT+2 timezone 01.45-02.35
  2. Mazo

    PokéBeach's January TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    I Won @Kuja89 2-0. It was my first game in online tournament. Thanks for the good games. Games were played between GMT 22.50-23.15.
  3. Mazo

    PokéBeach's January TCG Cup, Sponsored by!

    What is your PTCGO screen name? Mazo90 What timezone do you live in? GMT +2 Is the e-mail address on your PokeBeach account up-to-date? Yes Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No