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  1. Diego Lima

    “Stellar Miracle” Trademark Filed for the Pokemon TCG!

    This. Plus, until they prove otherwise, S&V made me see them as spineless cowards, the terastal mechanic was a huge let down with the whole "bench barrier instead of actually interesting ancient trait-like mechanic", so now, instead of being let down, I'll just assume that they'll translate this...
  2. Diego Lima

    “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge” Sets Officially Revealed, Feature Return of ACE SPEC Cards!

    I was hoping they would've learned their lesson the first time around and fixed the obvious design flaws with the Ace Spec cards. They had a chance to make them more interesting and archetype specific effects instead of just some busted generic ones that every deck would obviously want...
  3. Diego Lima

    Ultra PRO Premium “Abra Evolutions Stitched Playmat” Next Year!

    I actually like this one. Turns out stock art is not a problem per se, it's the lazyness of the overall design. I for one think the stock arts work wonders with the overall result. I dig it.
  4. Diego Lima

    Maybe They Aren’t Dead? — Single-Prize Decks Post-LAIC

    Yeah, I didn't bring it up on my first response up there, but I 100% can understand why competitive players like more somewhat defined metas for those reasons. In fact, I always thought that was a bit of a double-edged sword, not only for Pokémon. For instance, I kinda got tired of playing...
  5. Diego Lima

    Maybe They Aren’t Dead? — Single-Prize Decks Post-LAIC

    You're missing some nuance here. "A clear best deck" is a very different statement than "1 deck completely dominates". A deck can very clearly be the best deck, because of factors other than "it's just insanely stronger than everything else". In fact it can be just a bit better than the next...
  6. Diego Lima

    “Paldean Fates” New Hyper Rare Cards, What Will They Look Like?

    Did people just mob WPM into submission, forcing him to change Nami for the other chick in the article cover? My're a bunch of stuck-up fanatics, jesus effing christ.
  7. Diego Lima

    First “Paldean Fates” English Cards Revealed!

    Damn, that's right, goes to show how repetitive it feels that I thought we just had the last one last year.
  8. Diego Lima

    First “Paldean Fates” English Cards Revealed!

    I meant the neo sets, gym heroes/challenge, rocket, etc. But it could be anything, anything would be better than "the same shiny set every year". Plus I think listing some sets from 20 years ago hardly helps your point. Nor does the fact that Evolutions did the "it's a reprint but not really"...
  9. Diego Lima

    First “Paldean Fates” English Cards Revealed!

    I don't like how they just do this every year now. Of course it must be a big success everytime, so they'll obviously keep doing it, but I would much prefer if they used this slot for different stuff. Make reprint sets of WotC era sets or something cool like that. Unfortunately the consumer...
  10. Diego Lima

    “Paradox Rift” Set Guide: Card List, Secret Rares, Cut Cards, Products, and More!

    God damn, the secret rares are particularly sick on this set. Countless great ones. Except this one: Looks like someone had a really unlucky accident involving the card, gold, and laxatives.
  11. Diego Lima

    “Paradox Rift” Set Guide: Card List, Secret Rares, Cut Cards, Products, and More!

    That Steelix alt has to be one of my favorite artworks in the whole history of the TCG.
  12. Diego Lima

    Full Art Tulip from “Future Flash”

    And since when the population or prices of PSA10s and those of regular non-graded cards are one and the same? Graded cards are a completely different story, different market, etc. Also, get off your pretentious high horse, jesus...
  13. Diego Lima

    Aegislash ex from “Future Flash”

    I hate how vanilla it is.
  14. Diego Lima

    Iron Hands ex, Skeledirge ex, Iron Jugulus, Slither Wing, Yveltal, and More from “Paradox Rift!”

    If you disregard a game effect, in relation to its game implications, what are you even on about then? You're against it "in principle"? Like, attacks should do damage but never KO? You're like a PTCG fundamentalist or something? You're still missing the point mentioning Yveltal. "technically...
  15. Diego Lima

    Iron Hands ex, Skeledirge ex, Iron Jugulus, Slither Wing, Yveltal, and More from “Paradox Rift!”

    "Of course RMex does "gimmicky" amount of damage to itself" Which was the point being made... "which is where Emergency Jelly comes in." Except it doesn't... not really, does it? Meaning...who would waste deck slots for such a silly, meme worthy, non-competitive combo? All throughout this...
  16. Diego Lima

    Armarouge ex, Golisopod ex, Illustration Rares, and More from “Ancient Roar” and “Future Flash” Revealed!

    I'm sorry to rain on the believers, but Armarouge seems very underwhelming. The idea is cool in theory, build a big Armarouge and guarantee at least 2 OHKOs with it because they'll have to hit it twice to kill it, but it's relatively easy in this format to put some damage on it to ensure the...
  17. Diego Lima

    “151” Subtly Features Two Types of Holofoil Energy — One Superior to the Other!

    I opened 209 packs (3 blisters with 3 packs each, an ETB with 20 packs, and 10 mini boxes with 18 packs each). Note that I live in Brazil, and we have packs with only 6 cards in them, and you can get a pack as bad as having 3 commons, 2 uncommons, and a reverse that can be as low as a common...