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  1. Diego Lima

    TPCi Takes Transparent Route, Begins Publishing Investigations Regarding Player Conduct at Events

    Wow, giving these things time, and expecting due process before jumping to conclusions and grabbing pitchforks was the correct take back then, who would've thought.
  2. Diego Lima

    Illustration Rare Machoke, Full Art Blastoise ex from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    I had forgotten about that. Nostalgia hit me hard. Holy…
  3. Diego Lima

    Flareon (And All Eeveelutions) from “Pokemon Card 151” Revealed!

    One of the best Flareon artworks ever. The only ones I think are still better than this, are the EX Unseen Forces one, Dark Flareon, and the Pop Series 3 one. And that's just because those look more old school, while this one has that distinct digital look, that makes all drawings look more...
  4. Diego Lima

    Zapdos ex Special Illustration Rare from “Pokemon Card 151,” Kanto Starters to Get Illustration Rares!

    Yeah, that's easily one of the sickest alt arts we've seen so far.
  5. Diego Lima

    “Obsidian Flames” Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    This is one of the things I like the most about multiprizers evolving from regular cards again, how you can mix and match the evo lines. For instance, if at any time in the future Safeguard becomes a real consideration, you can just have one or two of the regular one in the list for you to be...
  6. Diego Lima

    Poliwrath line from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    It's funny, for as much as I always liked Poliwhirl, I never knew it was so widely liked as it seems from this thread. :)
  7. Diego Lima

    Poliwrath line from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    All 4 artworks are amazing, really really good.
  8. Diego Lima

    Ekans, Arbok ex from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    You're the second person I see using the same flawed logic to try and counter-argument others saying a card is bad. "Just because a card doesn't seem like it has a place in the current meta doesn't mean it won't in the future" That would've been a good argument if the reason people were saying...
  9. Diego Lima

    Koffing, Weezing from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    Hi, fellow brazilian here. I assume by "letters" you meant "cards". And if I were you, I'd try to find whatever it is you're after locally. It is very hard to import stuff here, the taxes and shipping costs are brutal, best case scenario you end up paying half minimum wage to import 50 bucks...
  10. Diego Lima

    Koffing, Weezing from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    Yeah, their style is full of personality.
  11. Diego Lima

    Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    I like how Komiya made them consistently cross-eyed through the cards.
  12. Diego Lima

    Pikachu, Nidoking, Omanyte Illustration Rares and Wigglytuff ex from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Still haven't seen a single compelling argument as to why would anyone bother with Wigglytuff when we already have Oinkologne. With the band, you'd have to do 290 to ohko it (320 depending on the matchup when you have v guard energy). The only deck in the format capable of accomplishing that is...
  13. Diego Lima

    Pikachu, Nidoking, Omanyte Illustration Rares and Wigglytuff ex from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Oinkologne is still almost certainly better. I mean, it's already tanking hits, but with much more efficient attacks.
  14. Diego Lima

    “Obsidian Flames” Officially Revealed, First Products from the Set!

    Really hope it’s different, such a waste of design space if it’s not.
  15. Diego Lima

    “Obsidian Flames” Officially Revealed, First Products from the Set!

    Squawkabilly ex is obviously supposed to be this gen’s Shaymin/dedenne/crobat, Revavroom won’t have nothing to do with this.
  16. Diego Lima

    Rigid Band, Parasect from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    Ok, we have the trainer, now all we need... are actual playable stage 1s ?
  17. Diego Lima

    Pinsir from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Reversal Energy only provides 3 energies when attached to evolved pokémon.
  18. Diego Lima

    Pinsir from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    I'm hard pressed to think of a recent example of a "card that looks like garbage and ended up being meta defining". If your intention was to give a more nuanced take, you failed miserably, you just went to the other extreme. Sure, some cards may end up over or underperform a bit, but it's never...
  19. Diego Lima

    Pinsir from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Are you implying that every other set is not almost entirely filled with unusable cards? Because they are, there's nothing particularly different in this set from every other set, in that sense.
  20. Diego Lima

    Pinsir from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Probably has something to do with the fact that it just doesn't. Reversal only provides the 3 energies when attached to evolved pokémon.