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  1. Diego Lima

    “Raging Surf” To Feature Water-type Garchomp ex!

    If I'm not mistaken, given dragons always use the same combination of requirements, no? If that's correct Garchomp will either require just water energy because of the Tera, or water and fighting because that has always been the case for it. Anyway, I hope it's good, and most importantly, I...
  2. Diego Lima

    “Paldea Evolved” English Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    >Tier 4 >Not terrible Pick one.
  3. Diego Lima

    Meowth from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    I hate how correct you are. It's so sad, I remember the sheer joy of being a kid and finding a "Blaine's Arcanine", or a Light/Dark/Rocket's pokémon. It was so cool. Magma, Aqua, Delta Species too, so sick. Unfortunately, like you said, it's about the corporate culture, that has changed a lot...
  4. Diego Lima

    “Paldea Evolved” English Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    Tinkaton also looks very good. Baxcalibur's art just makes it more evident how ugly of a design it is.
  5. Diego Lima

    Vileplume from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    “Show in the doll where the Charizard touched you”
  6. Diego Lima

    “ex Starter Decks” Revealed Featuring Greninja ex, Decidueye ex, Clefable ex, and More!

    The only card remotely playable from the bunch is Clefable. Decidueye had potential to be interesting, but then they decided to give it a completely useless attack. No one's playing a stage 2 for that ability alone.
  7. Diego Lima

    Victreebel Line, Tangela from ‘Pokemon Card 151!’

    I'm the complete opposite, I'm all about that fantasy, remove the backdrop and I wouldn't be forced to care about "natures" or "STAB" even if you tortured me with that "pointy sticks under the fingernails" shit.
  8. Diego Lima

    Victreebel Line, Tangela from ‘Pokemon Card 151!’

    See my previous comment. Taking the internal logic of Pokémon seriously is what can potentially kill the fun.
  9. Diego Lima

    Victreebel Line, Tangela from ‘Pokemon Card 151!’

    I mean, that's the point, no? I think what makes the world of Pokémon engaging in the sense that we're discussing here, is preciselly this kinda "silly", "loose" science that is supposed to make us feel like we're participating in the interesting studies and discoveries of this wonderful world...
  10. Diego Lima

    Aerodactyl and Old Amber Fossil from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Specially with the graininess of the image, I shit you not, it looks like he's found himself in bloody Phyrexia for some reason. lmao Does anyone else see it?
  11. Diego Lima

    Victreebel Line, Tangela from ‘Pokemon Card 151!’

    Are you guys really unironically criticizing the fictitious “science” of a world filled with magical creatures? Piss right the f off ffs…
  12. Diego Lima

    Pokémon Trading Card Game Online (PTCGO) Sunsets June 5th

    Still boggles my mind why didn't they just go all in and really invested into a client akin to the other tcgs'. Can you imagine the amount of money they could make from having a client as good as LoR's? Them not bothering with this is a complete mystery to me. You'd figure the shareholders...
  13. Diego Lima

    Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, Blastoise ex, and More Revealed from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Really? The ex Dragon one is imo one of the sickest artworks the TCG has ever seen, Charizard or not.
  14. Diego Lima

    “Obsidian Flames,” August’s English Set!

    I'm already completely lost on the timeline at this point. What's the next english set after Paldea Evolved, that Raging Surf one?
  15. Diego Lima

    “Obsidian Flames,” August’s English Set!

    They apparently cannot physically do it. When something with Charizard gets revealed, they have to bitch about it. They have to.
  16. Diego Lima

    Iono and Grusha Special Illustration Rares Revealed!

    How about, they stop celebrating the end of rainbows, IF... others stop whining everytime any news Charizard related is revealed, deal?
  17. Diego Lima

    All “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst” Main Set Cards Revealed!

    Holy...that Vespiquen, hands down my favorite artwork of her. So many great artworks. Tsareena line, all 3, great artworks. Both Cetoddles look super cute. That Corviknight, god damn...sickest art of this mon, ever. I love Vigoroth's and Slaking's. Numel's is very cute as well. Talonflame...