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  1. Diego Lima

    Grafaiai, Shroodle from Clay Burst!

    That's an awesome alt art. It's really fitting for the first iteration of a new mon to have the art show the essence of its lore, and that was brilliantly done here.
  2. Diego Lima

    Bellibolt ex, Tadbulb Officially Revealed!

    *angery* Haha, I love this little fella, one of my favorites from this gen.
  3. Diego Lima

    All “Scarlet & Violet” English Card Images Revealed!

    This is the best Trainers in general have looked since the BW and XY era. Even the cgi ones look so good, with subjects looking really nice, and with vibrant backgrounds. Of course the silver borders automatically make any card start ahead of another one with yellow borders, but still. Also like...
  4. Diego Lima

    All “Scarlet & Violet” English Card Images Revealed!

    The ex series and Diamond and Pearl eras are generally considered the best ones. I don't know where you've heard people praising BW, because in all these years I've never seen anyone doing that. And I think this era has potential to be a good one, infinitely better than the the last one, but...
  5. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    You do realize that if my suggestion is followed you're left with literally zero of the problems you made up, right? It is mind bogglingly obvious that by "don't rehash it", I didn't mean "use the same attack name all the times you repeat the archetype", I meant create an entirely new archetype...
  6. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    Something I should've added to my comment is that, while I do believe stage 1s and 2s will be playable eventually because that's their intention, I fear Lost Box will gatekeep anything like that until it rotates. It's a true shame, but I think we'll essentially "lose" a year of what SV's design...
  7. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    I really wish they would print anything that would work as "the straw that broke the camel's back" for grass. It really feels like it has lots of interesting options and a reasonable amount of support, but nothing that really makes it "real". Sure looks like you can have fun with it post...
  8. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    Except for the fact that lightning is not nearly living up to the hype that was created when everyone saw Miraidon and the Item and went nuts. Yes, many people are playing it, but it's not making results. Plus it's a deck that has lots of iterations, and many of them aren't even Regieleki...
  9. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    Forretress / Wo-Chien is not supposed to be a deck, putting yourself 2 prizes behind to gain access to a 120 snipe to the bench is not a winning proposition. Like I said in my previous post, Chien is just supposed to be a tool in other grass decks, it's not supposed to be the focus. And if...
  10. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    We don't have to wait, we already had a 3k players tournament with 4 Lugias on top 16. Anyone remotely paying attention to Japan since they had their rotation, already knows Lugia is not finished, it's just not the bdif anymore, but it's alive and well, thank you very much. Also, I don't know...
  11. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    On the whole "new night march" 20x X 30x multiplier topic: Here's a crazy thought about it, how about to hell with the 20x or 30x discussion, and instead we ask ourselves why the f are they rehashing the same exact archetype for the 4th time instead of delivering something new?
  12. Diego Lima

    Wo-Chien ex, Flamigo Illustrator Rare, and More from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    Forretress is not what Wo-Chien needs, in fact, it doesn't need anything because it is not supposed to be a deck of its own, it's supposed to be a 1-of in Meowscarada decks, and you just charge it up normally over the course of the game or with Gardenia if you're in a pinch. It's just a cool...
  13. Diego Lima

    “Paldea Evolved” Set Logo and Merchandise Unveiled!

    That's a compliment for me lol I would also say it looks like the logo for an older rollercoaster. I dig the vibe.
  14. Diego Lima

    Forretress ex, Annihilape ex, Bellibolt ex, Mimikyu from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    What he means is: what the hell are you going to copy? It's not like in expanded where the pool of dragon attackers is insane for you to copy and abuse the card.
  15. Diego Lima

    Forretress ex, Annihilape ex, Bellibolt ex, Mimikyu from “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst!”

    Fortress is very interesting, with 270hp it can most of the times attack once before having to off itself, very few decks can hit 300 damage. But then again, I don't know if it's worth the trouble of wasting 2 attachments on it to begin with, you probably want to sac it right away. We have to...
  16. Diego Lima

    “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst” Sets Featuring Chien-Pao ex and Ting-Lu ex Officially Revealed!

    It's because people know better. You shouldn't be attacking with Rabsca turn 2, to put Gardevoir ex into play, you should be candying into Gardy turn 2 and attacking with that or with the single prize one. It's not worth the deck space, nor the payoff.
  17. Diego Lima

    “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst” Sets Featuring Chien-Pao ex and Ting-Lu ex Officially Revealed!

    Chi-Yu is a beautiful card. A shame it's a pretty meh card. 190hp on a 2 prizer it's pretty bad unless it's doing crazy things for you. Having to accelerate at least one energy into it to use it's attack turn one, then having to use Armarouge to move the energy into the mon you're actually using...
  18. Diego Lima

    “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst” Sets Featuring Chien-Pao ex and Ting-Lu ex Officially Revealed!

    I mean, you're just never putting it down after the first turn...
  19. Diego Lima

    “Snow Hazard” and “Clay Burst” Sets Featuring Chien-Pao ex and Ting-Lu ex Officially Revealed!

    It's been quite a while since resistance has stopped mattering entirely. I can't even remember the last card I saw that had resistance.