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  1. Diego Lima

    “Paldea Evolved,” June’s English Set!

    Yeah guys, evolving exs suck, 3 prize vmaxes and tag teams is where it's at. [/s]
  2. Diego Lima

    Scarlet & Violet DLC: “The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero” Announced!

    Fezandipiti is kinda classy, but nothing about it or about the other 2 ugly mofos with the same pink motif scream "legendary" to me. And boy is Okidogi particuraly, disgustingly abhorrent, holy f. Ogerpon is at least kinda intersting. But the winner for me is Terapagos. It feels very original...
  3. Diego Lima

    New Paradox Pokemon: Walking Wake and Iron Leaves!

    Yeah, like it's been said already, I never liked the future ones, it's literally like CMP said, it's "x...but metal", it's just lazy, tacky, a failure in design. The past ones are all much cooler, but boy is Suicune ugly in this form, look how they massacred my boy...
  4. Diego Lima

    “Ruler of the Black Flame” Trademark Filed for the Pokemon TCG!

    I actually like the designs of these 4, I think they're some of the most inspired from gen 9. Ting-Lu gives me the vibe of a colossus from Shadow of the Colossus.
  5. Diego Lima

    Paldean Wooper, Mismagius, Dendra Illustration Rares from ‘Triplet Beat!’

    The Mismagius and both Dendras' artworks are pretty sick. Between character rares and all the alt arts, even for supporters, we could be looking at a very good era art-wise.
  6. Diego Lima

    Tinkaton, Tinkatuff, & Tinatink from ‘Triplet Beat’!

    Like it was already mentioned here, I think what really rubs players the wrong way is the easiness and abundance of OHKO potential in the last years, it really was much more common for stuff to 2-hit-ko back then, and it made the game have better pacing and back and forths. At face value one...
  7. Diego Lima

    Clodsire ex, Dedenne ex, Ghetsis, and More from “Triplet Beat!”

    It should've been like ancient traits, who cares that it had been done before? If the "new" thing is just stapling a random, generic effect for every card, by all means, do the old thing again!
  8. Diego Lima

    Clodsire ex, Dedenne ex, Ghetsis, and More from “Triplet Beat!”

    Our third set will probably be the one to have Teras with different typings. It will probably be called Crystal Shift or something.
  9. Diego Lima

    “Triplet Beat” Set Officially Revealed for March!

    Yeah... I don't know, with stage 2 decks being already clunky, at that point I think we'd be reaching reeeeally far. Too much stuff going on for one deck. Gardevoir can be all tech-y because Kirlia allows it to dump stuff you don't need for value. I think if grass is a thing it'll probably be...
  10. Diego Lima

    “Triplet Beat” Set Officially Revealed for March!

    God, I completely forgot that card existed. You're 100% right, if any grass deck works in the upcoming format, it'll be in great part because of Lilligant. My only concern is that as an evolution itself, it's not really a setup monster for that critical turn one, like Miraidon for instance, that...
  11. Diego Lima

    “Triplet Beat” Set Officially Revealed for March!

    My fear is that even though Meowscarada does seem to be good enough in a vacuum, what really makes a card truly viable is its surrounding support. Gardevoir is good in a vacuum, sure, but it also evolves from cinccino Kirlia, has Gallade and single prize Gardevoir as options, Fog...
  12. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    Apparently you're just lazy and don't know how to get the best out of the trading market. I have made multiple trades where I would get 12 or so trainers/special energies for a pack. You just don't have the patience to make the right offers or look for the right ones. If you don't have the time...
  13. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    What's insane is that you think that's bad. Like I said, even making next to minimum wage, and having to technically spend more than 5x as much money to buy the same codes, I managed to have a huge collection, the last time I was keeping up with standard I had so many different decks assembled...
  14. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    I never said anything about acquiring cards on Live. I only said the whining about trading in ptcgo has no footing in reality. You're really complaining that an all-star staple like Arceus Vstar costs 10 packs, when you can buy a pack for 28 cents. AND you could have 2 copies already because the...
  15. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    Trading in ptcgo is absolutely fine, it's truly market driven, instead of the shady bullshit in stuff like arena where you have to churn through expensive packs nonstop hoping to get the cards you need or crack them until you have enough wildcards. The way you describe it is just not an accurate...
  16. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    Also, I'm not holding my breath for them to "significantly improve" the client anytime soon. Since for whatever reason they chose to not make this something akin to Legends Of Runeterra, Arena, etc, where the goal is to make real bucks from it, what are their incentives here? What is truly...
  17. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    I used to play MtG on Cockatrice, amazing tool, cards are added to the game literally as they're being spoiled on spoiler season of the new set. Would be so good to have a similar program for Pokémon.
  18. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    And what gave you the idea that anyone "invests" on PTCGO? It's justa tool for play, nobody "invests" on it. People are pissed that there will be no longer a decent platform for you to play on. Hell, I'd even prefer having my collection start from scratch, and have something as predatory as...
  19. Diego Lima

    ‘Crown Zenith’ is the Final Set for PTCGO

    Moral of the story, be careful what you wish for. Imo, Live is unacceptable as is, it's not even funny how bad it is. I will only transfer my account when PTCGO is announced to end, and I will only touch Live when it's not a joke anymore.
  20. Diego Lima

    After 21 Years, Kadabra Officially Returning to the Pokemon TCG in “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Want some sugar to soften that bitterness? It's ok to be wrong sometimes, just let go of the fact that you were being a naysayer and be happy that the community will finally have its way after almost 20 years, it's more elegant that way.