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  1. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Well, Ancient Trait love is continuing for Water and Colorless. Poor fully evolved Electric types...looks like they'll never know the loving caress of an Ancient Trait.
  2. MegaButterfree

    The BW Era: Better or Worse Than Others?

    I liked the Plasma part of BW - mostly because I really like consistent sorts of theme cards to build decks around (I had many, non-competitive Plasma-only decks - that includes Trainers...but not pre-evolutions obviously). The theme thing is also a reason I like the current Ancient Trait...
  3. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Well, it looks like they continue to be anti-Burn in the XY saga. . .
  4. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I think Theta Max will go the way of Betamax
  5. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    The Shiny M-Rayquaza card is so colorful - especially for a colorless type! Now I'm wondering if we'll get new/alternate Ancient Traits on Primal Kyogre/Groudon - maybe the other Thetas?
  6. MegaButterfree

    What is Your Favorite Ancient Trait?

    I am a big fan of Ancient Traits, so I wondered what some of Pokébeach's readers' favorites are (I mean the traits themselves, versus the 'mon that have them). Here is a rundown of all of them known so far (and I understand that with some being unreleased as of this post, we haven't had a chance...
  7. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Very good reminds me of Sailor Pluto's "Dead[o] Scream" attack...
  8. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    This card reminds me of the music video for "Like a Prayer" by Madonna, as reenacted by Pokemon.
  9. MegaButterfree

    TCG Fakes Reggie McGigas's Image-Based Fake Cards: Wailmer and Wailord

    On Regirock EX, should the the Sands of Justice effect text read "This attack does 30 more damage for each damage counter on this Pokemon."? (Like Aggron EX, etc.). If that's not what the attack is supposed to be, should it be "This attack does 30 damage times the number of damage counters on...
  10. MegaButterfree

    'Ancient Origins' Set List Discussion Thread

    It's a long shot, but I didn't notice it mentioned - #4 could be an Ancient Trait Vileplume, too.
  11. MegaButterfree

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    I am, like everyone else, very curious to learn more. I tend to think that Ancient Traits will not be continued (though I'd love them to keep going), similar to Ace Specs, Plasma Pokemon, Team Flare Gear, etc. One thing I like about TCG is you always have something to ponder, daydream, look...
  12. MegaButterfree

    TCG Fakes Zygarde's Image-Based Cards - Happy Birthday card!

    I am guessing this set you're making is meant to stand on its own, outside the current card selection, but assuming it's not (or will follow some similarities to existing cards), I wanted to ask about the Altaria - it seems like it would not be able to use its attack if a double dragon energy...
  13. MegaButterfree

    Suggest a Pokemon who deserves an EX or better reprint

    Exeggutor-EX - Grass/Psychic - 170HP Basic Ability - Harvest - Once per turn, before you attack, you may search your discard pile for a Pokemon tool and attach it to this Pokemon. [P] Psywave - 20x This attack does 20 times the number of [P] energy attached to all your Pokemon [G] [G] [C]...
  14. MegaButterfree

    7th Gen Ideas!

    1) I would like all new Pokemon, similar to B&W, with older ones and new mega evolutions available post-game. 2) I would like the return of mini-games using your own pokemon 3) I would like to (finally) see 3-stage evolution lines that are pure poison, pure dark, pure ground, pure bug, and maybe...
  15. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I agree about Tyranitar EX being a pretty lackluster card. Its attacks are very much like the non-EX legendaries (who only give up one prize), only slower it seems. M-Tyranitar, though, looks very impressive - but I agree with the "so does M-Aggron EX" comment (will it see play in reality?). It...
  16. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I was so excited for a special Dark energy...but, I agree with everyone that this one falls a bit flat. It might be marginally better if there were Dark types with Omega Barrier to at least keep the energies attached...but, even then I see it as only being a regular energy that might...
  17. MegaButterfree

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    Regarding the comments on the night march decks, I presume both Mew EX and Flareon EX will be rotated out soon, so that will greatly diminish that deck's viability. Sidenote, anyone who's played against one with a Pyroar (Flashfire) knows the joys of instant winning. I would venture to guess...
  18. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    All of the love for grass (and bug) types in this set makes me wonder if, perhaps, Vaporeon will make an appearance, and if so, will have some kind of ability that changes your opponent's active Pokemon to its own type, water (e.g. soak from the video game). Not a big step, but a way to mess up...
  19. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Thanks for update 1 - love the clear pictures and the confirmation of Mega Sceptile's AT and attack. I also like this Sceptile EX much more than the promo/tin version. I really like both of these guys a lot - a couple of weeks back I wouldn't have guessed this set would be so supportive of grass...