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  1. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Forest of Giant Plants would be good if the Poison type was still represented by Grass, like in the olden days. Of course, 30 was high damage output back then, so I'll keep on appreciating these new sets.
  2. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I've missed you, Nidoking...your expanded base set version is how I managed to beat TCG VG on Gameboy so many years ago.
  3. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Wow...a creative and complex (if not exceptionally situational) ability. It also can help the ever-despised Vespiquen decks to some degree. I'm definitely gonna pair this with Giratina-EX! ;-)
  4. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Before Zygarde EX and the dog form (I forget the percentages that go with their names), had TCG released "formes" from future generations? I just ask because those two are also kind of gen 7...well...presumably.
  5. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I think it should have had an "excluding Pokemon EX" caveat...Ninja Boy is a cruel traitor!
  6. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Interesting reveal - I look forward to seeing what the BREAK cards do. I wonder if Yveltal BREAK will "piggyback" on its basic form the way Xerneas BREAK does. Also, I wonder if Pyroar BREAK will just have an ability, since they seem to like giving Pyroar abilities and the new stage 1 doesn't...
  7. MegaButterfree

    New Victini Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban!'

    "FLARE! SHOOT, I lost all my energy"
  8. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Interesting...and on the additional plus side, unlike (most) other stage 2 cards (minus Maxie and Archie power), you don't really HAVE to have the pre-evos (though it's a big chance to draw Talonflame). It's on par with some other non-ex big basics, so I don't think it's overpowered. Searching...
  9. MegaButterfree

    More 'Sun' and 'Moon' News Coming June 2nd!

    Just be sure to set your expectations pretty low. It will probably be a showcase of the new benches in Alola.
  10. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Dark and Grass type with a Psychic (in TVG) attack: well-played.
  11. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I wish they'd given this a fire-type resistance... I think the Full Art will mitigate the diagonal line issue some people have on this card. And, the ancient trait Torchic ideas are great! PS: Steel/Fairy Magearna (EX) maybe?
  12. MegaButterfree

    Rowlet, Litten, Popplio from the Alola Region!

    Did anyone else notice in the Japanese/live action commercial, during gameplay, there seems to be another pokemon standing behind the in-game character's mother? It sort of looks like meowth, but not quite?
  13. MegaButterfree

    Rowlet, Litten, Popplio from the Alola Region!

    That fake box art from a little while back was very close...I wonder if they had verbal information or just used the sun/moon symbols to infer. Bravo either way. Also, I'm glad to see the Hawaii theories were true. Given the pictures/description, it's odd that the sea lion starts out with water...
  14. MegaButterfree

    New 'Sun' and 'Moon' News Coming May 10th!

    Here is what I want to get with this announcement: Anything beyond just the titles.
  15. MegaButterfree

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    Don't forget: there is supposed to be a new mechanic with this set (correct me if I'm mistaken) - so I hope it somehow applies to M-Gardevoir...y'know, so we don't get a same-old kind of third version. I would say non-EX megas could be cool, but I highly doubt it (particularly as BREAK is...
  16. MegaButterfree

    'Solgaleo' and 'Lunaala,' Sun and Moon's Legendary Pokemon?

    Leo from lion and Nala from lioness (Lion King). It makes perfect sense! (I am joking, of course) In all seriousness, though, the Moon legendary sounds to me like it might be based on a moth...but who knows.
  17. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon's Success Killed WB Cartoons, Says Animaniacs Creator

    I used to love "The Disney Afternoon" cartoon block that came on after school on ABC (I think). Free/over-the-air TV is totally different now. As much as I love Judge Judy, I don't know if she would have piqued my 1st grade interests like DuckTales...
  18. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    I can't believe we are coming up on the US release of this set already - I am looking forward to it!